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Posted Dec 21, 1999


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<TITLE>Cracking DES: Secrets of Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics, and
Chip Design </TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
1 August 1998: Add Chapter 9 with permission of Yvo Desmedt.
31 July 1998: Add Chapters 10, 11 and 12.
31 July 1998<BR>
Source: Hardcopy of <I>Cracking DES: Secrets of Encryption Research, Wiretap
Politics & Chip Design</I>
To order hardcopy:
<A HREF="http://www.ora.com/catalog/crackdes">http://www.ora.com/catalog/crackdes</A>
For background see:
<A HREF="http://www.eff.org/descracker/">http://www.eff.org/descracker/</A>.
Thanks to EFF for this work.
Note: This is an initial scan; more will be added as completed or links will
be provided to parts scanned by others: URLs welcome.
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<FONT COLOR="red"><I><B>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
</B></I></FONT><FONT COLOR="White"><I><B>Scan This
Book!</B></I></FONT><FONT COLOR="red"><I><B> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<H1 ALIGN="Center">
<BIG>Cracking DES</BIG>
<H2 ALIGN="Center">
<FONT COLOR="Red"><I>Secrets of </I></FONT>
<P ALIGN="Center">
<B>How federal</B>
<H2 ALIGN="Center">
<FONT COLOR="Red"><I>Encryption Research, </I></FONT>
<P ALIGN="Center">
<H2 ALIGN="Center">
<FONT COLOR="Red"><I>Wiretap Politics </I></FONT>
<P ALIGN="Center">
<H2 ALIGN="Center">
<FONT COLOR="Red"><I>& Chip Design </I></FONT><I></I>
<P ALIGN="Center">
<H3 ALIGN="Center">
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</B>
<I><B>Cracking DES: Secrets of Encryption Research, Wiretap Politics, and
Chip Design </B></I>
by the Electronic Frontier Foundation
With the exceptions noted, this book and all of its contents are in the public
domain. Published in 1998 by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Printed
in the United States of America. No rights reserved. Every part of this book,
except as noted below, may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without
permission in writing from the publisher. Because this material is in the
public domain, permission to reproduce, use, copy, modify, and distribute
this material for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted.
The test-file, bootstrap, and bootstrap2 listings in Chapter 4 are Copyright
&copy;1997 by Network Associates, Inc. These listings may be reproduced in
whole or in part without payment of royalties. Chapter 10, Architectural
Considerations for Cryptanalytic Hardware, is Copyright &copy; 1996 by the
authors, Ian Goldberg and David Wagner. It may not be reproduced without
the permission of the authors, who can be reached at
<A HREF="mailto:iang@cs.berkeley.edu">iang@cs.berkeley.edu</A> and
<A HREF="mailto:daw@cs.berkeley.edu">daw@cs.berkeley.edu</A>. Chapter 11,
Efficient DES Key Search: An Update, is Copyright &copy; 1997 by Entrust
Technologies. It may be reproduced in whole or in part without payment of
royalties. Chapter 9, Breaking One Million DES Keys, is Copyright &copy;
1986. Work done at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and supported by the
NFWO, Belgium. It may not be reproduced without the permission of the author,
who can be reached at
<A HREF="mailto:desmedt@cs.uwm.edu">desmedt@cs.uwm.edu</A>.
Distributed by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 101 Morris Street, Sebastopol,
CA 95472
<B><I>Printing History: </I></B>
May 1998: First Edition.
Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish
their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear
in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations
have been printed in caps or initial caps.
While many precautions have been taken in the preparation of this book, the
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ISBN: 1-56592-520-3
<I>v </I>
<I>Table of Contents </I>
<B><I><A HREF="#foreword">Foreword</A> ........................................ix
<B><I><A HREF="#preface">Preface</A> .......................................xiii
<B><I><A HREF="#1">1: Overview</A>.....................................1-1
Politics of Decryption ......................1-1 <BR>
Goals .......................................1-7 <BR>
History of DES Cracking .....................1-8 <BR>
EFF's DES Cracker Project ...................1-8 <BR>
Architecture ................................1-9 <BR>
Who Else Is Cracking DES? ..................1-16 <BR>
What To Do If You Depend On DES ............1-17 <BR>
Conclusion .................................1-18
<B><I><A HREF="#2">2: Design for DES Key Search Array</A> .............2-1
On-Chip Registers ..........................2-1 <BR>
Commands ....................................2-4 <BR>
Search Unit Operation .....................2-4 <BR>
Sample Programming Descriptions .............2-5 <BR>
Scalability and Performance .................2-9 <BR>
Host Computer Software ......................2-9 <BR>
Glossary ...................................2-10
<B><I><A HREF="#3">3. Design for DES Key Search Array Chip-Level Specification
</A>..3-1 </I></B>
ASIC Description .........................................3-1 <BR>
Board description ........................................3-3 <BR>
Read and Write Timing ....................................3-5 <BR>
Addressing Registers .....................................3-7 <BR>
All-active Signal ........................................3-7 <BR>
ASIC Register Allocation .................................3-8
<B><I><A HREF="#4">4: Scanning the Source Code</A>
..................................41 </I></B>
The Politics of Cryptographic Source Code .................4-1 <BR>
The Paper Publishing Exception ............................4-2 <BR>
Scanning ..................................................4-4 <BR>
Bootstrapping .............................................4-5
<B><I>5: Software Source Code ......................................5-1
<B><I>6: Chip Source Code ..........................................6-1
<B><I>7: Chip Simulator Source Code ................................7-1
<B><I>8: Hardware Board Schematics
.............................................8-1 </I></B>
Board Schematics ......................................................8-1
Sun-4/470 backplane modifications ................................8-10 <BR>
PC Interfaces .......................................................8-12
Errata ...............................................8-13
<B><I><A HREF="#9">9: Breaking One Million DES Keys by Yvo Desmedt</A>
.........9-1 </I></B>
Abstract .............................................9-1 <BR>
Introduction .........................................9-1 <BR>
The basic idea .......................................9-2 <BR>
Details of such a machine ............................9-2 <BR>
Obtained results and remarks .........................9-4 <BR>
Conclusion ...........................................9-4 <BR>
Acknowledgement ......................................9-5
<B><I><A HREF="#10">10: Architectural Considerations for Cryptanalytic
Hardware</A> .. 10-1 </I></B>
Abstract ............................10-1 <BR>
Introduction ........................10-1 <BR>
Motivation ..........................10-2 <BR>
Related work ........................10-4 <BR>
Technical Approach ..................10-6 <BR>
Design and Analysis .................10-8 <BR>
Future work .........................10-23 <BR>
Conclusions .........................10-23 <BR>
Acknowledgements ....................10-24 <BR>
Availability ........................10-24 <BR>
References ..........................10-24
<B><I><A HREF="#11">11: Efficient DES Key Search--An Update by Michael J.
Wiener</A> 11-1 </I></B>
Advancing Technology ................11-2 <BR>
Programmable Hardware ...............11-3 <BR>
<B><I><A HREF="#12">12: Authors</A>
The Electronic Frontier Foundation ....................12-1 <BR>
John Gilmore ..........................................12-2 <BR>
Cryptography Research .................................12-2 <BR>
Paul Kocher ...........................................12-3 <BR>
Advanced Wireless Technologies ........................12-3
<I>pp. ix-xii</I>
<I><A NAME="foreword">Foreword</A><BR>
by Whitfield Diffie</I>
<A HREF="http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/Crypto_misc/DESCracker/HTML/19980716_diffie_crackingdes_foreword.html">http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/Crypto_misc/DESCracker/HTML/19980716_diffie_crackingdes_foreword.html</A>
<I><A NAME="preface">Preface</A> </I>
<I>In privacy and computer security, real information is too hard to find.
Most people don 't know what's really going on, and many people who do know
aren't telling. </I>
This book was written to reveal a hidden truth. The standard way that the
US Government recommends that we make information secure and private, the
"Data Encryption Standard" or DES, does not actually make that information
secure or private. The government knows fairly simple ways to reveal the
hidden information (called "cracking" or "breaking" DES).
Many scientists and engineers have known or suspected this for years. The
ones who know exactly what the government is doing have been unable to tell
the public, fearing prosecution for revealing "classified" information. Those
who are only guessing have been reluctant to publish their guesses, for fear
that they have guessed wrong.
This book describes a machine which we actually built to crack DES. The machine
exists, and its existence can easily be verified. You can buy one yourself,
in the United States; or can build one yourself if you desire. The machine
was designed and built in the private sector, so it is not classified. We
have donated our design to the public domain, so it is not proprietary. There
is no longer any question that it can be built or has been built. We have
published its details so that other scientists and engineers can review,
reproduce, and build on our work. There can be no more doubt. <B>DES is not
<I>Chapters </I>
The first section of the book describes the Electronic Frontier Foundation's
research project to build a machine to crack DES. The next section provides
full technical details on the machine that we designed: for review, critique,
exploration, and further evolution by the cryptographic research community.
The final section includes several hard-to-find technical reports on brute
force methods of cracking DES.
<B><I>Technical description </I></B>
Chapter 1, <I>Overview</I>, introduces our project and gives the basic
architecture of the Electronic Frontier Foundation's DES-cracking machine.
Chapter 2, <I>Design Specification</I>, by Paul Kocher of Cryptography Research,
provides specifications for the machine from a software author's point of
Chapter 3, <I>Hardware Specification</I>, by Advanced Wireless Technologies,
provides specifications for the custom gate array chips, and the boards that
carry them, from a hardware designer's point of view.
<B><I>Technical design details </I></B>
Chapter 4, <I>Scanning the Source Code</I>, explains how you can feed this
book through an optical scanner and regenerate the exact source code needed
to build the software and the specialized gate array chip that we designed.
Chapter 5, <I>Software Source Code</I>, contains a complete listing of the
C-language software that runs on a PC and controls the DES-Cracker.
Chapter 6, <I>Chip Source Code</I>, contains a complete listing of the chip
design language (VHDL) code that specifies how we designed the custom gate
array chip.
Chapter 7, <I>Chip Simulator Source Code</I>, contains a complete listing
of the C-language software that simulates the operation of the chip, for
understanding how the chip works, and for generating test-vectors to make
sure that the chips are properly fabricated.
Chapter 8, <I>Hardware Board Schematics</I>, provides schematic diagrams
of the boards which provide power and a computer interface to the custom
chips, as well as information on the layout of the boards and the backplanes
that connect them.
<B><I>Related Research Papers </I></B>
Chapter 9, <I>Breaking One Million DES Keys</I>, by Yvo Desmedt, is a 1987
paper proposing an interesting design for a machine that could search for
many DES keys simultaneously.
Chapter 10, <I>Architectural considerations for cryptanalytic hardware</I>,
by Ian Goldberg and David Wagner, is a 1996 study that explores cracking
DES and related ciphers by using field-programmable gate array chips.
Chapter 11, <I>Efficient DES Key Search - An Update</I>, by Michael J. Wiener,
revises for 1998 the technology estimates from his seminal 1993 paper, which
was the first to include full schematic diagrams of a custom chip designed
to crack DES.
Chapter 12, <I>About the Authors</I>, describes the foundation and the companies
which collaborated to build this project.
<A NAME="1">1</A>
<I>In This chapter: <BR>
<I>Politics of Deception </I>
<I>Goals </I>
<I>History of DES Cracking </I>
<I>EFF's DES Cracker Project </I>
<I>Architecture </I>
<I>Who Else Is Cracking DES? </I>
<I>What To Do If You Depend On DES </I>
<I>Conclusion </I><BR>
<I>Politics of Decryption </I>
We began the Electronic Frontier Foundation's DES Cracker project because
of our interest in the politics of decryption.* The vulnerability of widely
used encryption standards like DES is important for the public to understand.
A "DES Cracker" is a machine that can read information encrypted with the
Data Encryption Standard (DES), by finding the key that was used to encrypt
it. "Cracking DES" is a name for this search process. It is most simply done
by trying every possible key until the right one is found, a tedious process
called "brute-force search".
If DES-encrypted information can easily be decrypted by those who are not
intended to see it, the privacy and security of our infrastructures that
use DES are at risk. Many political, social, and technological decisions
depend on just how hard it is to crack DES.
We noticed an increasing number of situations in which highly talented and
respected people from the U.S. Government were making statements about how
long it takes to crack DES. In all cases, these statements were at odds with
our own estimates and those of the cryptographic research community. A less
polite way to say it is that these government officials were lying, incompetent,
or both. They were stating that cracking DES is much more expensive and
time-consuming than we believed it to be. A very credible research paper
had predicted that a
<SMALL>* DES, the Data Encryption Standard, encrypts a confidential message
into scrambled output under the control of a secret key. The input message
is also known as "plaintext", and the resulting output as "ciphertext". The
idea is that only recipients who know the secret key can decrypt the ciphertext
to obtain the original message. DES uses a 56-bit key, so there are
2<SUP>56</SUP> possible keys. </SMALL>
machine could be built for $1.5 million, including development costs, that
would crack DES in 3-1/2 hours. Yet we were hearing estimates of thousands
of computers and weeks to years to crack a single message.
On Thursday, June 26, 1997 the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on
International Relations heard closed, classified testimony on encryption
policy issues. The Committee was considering a bill to eliminate export controls
on cryptography. After hearing this testimony, the Committee gutted the bill
and inserted a substitute intended to have the opposite effect. A month later,
a censored transcript of the hearing was provided; see
<A HREF="http://jya.com/hir-hear.htm">http://jya.com/hir-hear.htm</A>. Here
are excerpts:
<I><B>Statement of Louis J. Freeh, Director, Federal Bureau of
. . . And we do not have the computers, we do not have the technology to
get either real-time access to that information or any kind of timely access.
If we hooked together thousands of computers and worked together over 4 months
we might, as was recently demonstrated decrypt one message bit. That is not
going to make a difference in a kidnapping case, it is not going to make
a difference in a national security case. We don't have the technology or
the brute force capability to get to this information.
<B><I>Statement of William P. Crowell, Deputy Director, National Security
. . . I would go further and say there have been people who have said that
Louis Freeh's organization should just get smarter technically, and if they
were just smarter technically, they would be able to break all of this stuff.
I would like to leave you with just one set of statistics, and then I think
I am going to close with just a few comments on the bill itself.
There is no brute force solution for law enforcement. [blacked out
----------------------------------------------] A group of students -- not
students -- the Internet gang last week broke a single message using 56-bit
DES. It took 78,000 computers 96 days to break one message, and the headline
was, DES has weak encryption.
He doesn't consider that very weak. If that had been 64-bit encryption, which
is available for export today, and is available freely for domestic use,
that same effort would have taken 7,000 years. And if it had been 128-bit
cryptography, which is what PGP is, pretty good privacy, it would have taken
8.6 trillion times the age of the universe.
<I><B>Comments made later in the hearing</B></I>
Chairman Gilman. Would you need added manpower resource and equipment if
there is a need to decrypt? And would that add to your already difficult
case of language translation in many of your wiretaps?
Director Freeh. We would certainly need those resources, but I think more
importantly is the point that was made here. Contrary to the National Research
Council recommendation that the FBI buy more computers and Bill Gates' suggestion
to me that we upgrade our research and development [blacked
out------------------------------] American industry cannot do it, and that
is decrypt real time encryption over a very minimal level of robustness.
[blacked out---------] If you gave me $3 million to buy a Cray computer,
it would take me how many years to do one message bit?
Mr. Crowell. 64 bits, 7,000 years.
Director Freeh. I don't have that time in a kidnapping case. It would kill
On March 17, 1998, Robert S. Litt, Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General,
testified to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the
Constitution, Federalism, and Property. The subject of the hearing was "Privacy
in a Digital Age: Encryption and Mandatory Access". Mr. Litt's whole statement
is available at
<A HREF="http://www.computerprivacy.org/archive/03171998-4.shtml">http://www.computerprivacy.org/archive/03171998-4.shtml</A>.
The part relevant to DES cracking is:
Some people have suggested that this is a mere resource problem for law
enforcement. They believe that law enforcement agencies should simply focus
their resources on cracking strong encryption codes, using high-speed computers
to try every possible key when we need lawful access to the plaintext of
data or communications that is evidence of a crime. But that idea is simply
unworkable, because this kind of brute force decryption takes too long to
be useful to protect the public safety. For example, decrypting one single
message that had been encrypted with a 56-bit key took 14,000 Pentium-level
computers over four months; obviously, these kinds of resources are not available
to the FBI, let alone the Jefferson City Police Department.
<B><I>What's Wrong With Their Statements?</I></B>
Some of the testimony quoted may have been literally true; nevertheless,
it is deceptive. All of the time estimates presented by Administration officials
were based on use of general-purpose computers to do the job. But that's
fundamentally the wrong way to do it, and they know it.
A ordinary computer is ill-suited for use as a DES Cracker. In the first
place, the design of DES is such that it is inherently very slow in software,
but fast in hardware. Second, current computers do very little in parallel;
the designers don't know exactly what instructions will be executed, and
must allow for all combinations.
The right way to crack DES is with special-purpose hardware. A custom-designed
chip, even with a slow clock, can easily outperform even the fastest
general-purpose computer. Besides, you can get many such chips on a single
board, rather than the one or two on a typical computer's motherboard.
There are practical limits to the key sizes which can be cracked by brute-force
searching, but since NSA deliberately limited the key size of DES to 56 bits,
back in the 1970's when it was designed, DES is crackable by brute force.
Today's technology might not be able to crack other ciphers with 64-bit or
128-bit keys--or it might. Nobody will know until they have tried, and published
the details for scientific scrutiny. Most such ciphers have very different
internal structure than DES, and it may be possible to eliminate large numbers
of possible keys by taking advantage of the structure of the cipher. Some
senior cryptographers estimated what key sizes were needed for safety in
a 1996 paper;* they suggest that to protect against brute force cracking,
today's keys should have a minimum of 75 bits, and to protect information
for twenty years, a minimum of 90 bits.
The cost of brute-force searching also overstates the cost of recovering
encrypted text in the real world. A key report on the real impact of encryption
on law enforcement<SUP>+</SUP> reveals that there are no cases in which a
lack of police access to encrypted files resulted in a suspected criminal
going free. In most cases the plaintext was recovered by other means, such
as asking the suspect for the key, or finding another copy of the information
on the disk. Even when brute force is the method of choice, keys are seldom
truly random, and can be searched in the most likely order.
<B><I>Export Controls and DES</I></B>
The U.S. Government currently restricts the ability of companies, individuals,
and researchers to export hardware or software that includes the use of DES
for confidentiality. These "export controls" have been a severe impediment
to the development of security and privacy for networked computers, cellular
phones, and other popular communications devices. The use of encryption
algorithms stronger than DES is also restricted.
In December 1996, the government formally offered exporters the ability to
incorporate DES, but nothing stronger, into their products. The catch is
that these companies would have to sign an agreement with the government,
obligating them to
<SMALL>* Minimal Key Lengths For Symmetric Ciphers To Provide Adequate Commercial
Security: A Report By An Ad Hoc Group Of Cryptographers And Computer Scientists.
Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, Ronald L. Rivest, Bruce Schneier, Tsutomu
Shimomura, Eric Thompson, Michael Wiener, January 1996. Available at
<A HREF="http://www.bsa.org/policy/encryption/index.html">http://www.bsa.org/policy/encryption/index.html</A>.</SMALL>
<SMALL>+ Encryption and Evolving Technologies: Tools of Organized Crime and
Terrorism, by Dorothy E. Denning and William E. Baugh, Jr. National Strategy
Information Center, 1997. ISSN 1093-7269.</SMALL>
install "key recovery" into their products within two years. Key recovery
technology provides a way for the government to decrypt messages at will,
by offering the government a copy of the key used in each message, in a way
that the product's user cannot circumvent or control. In short, the government's
offer was: collude with us to violate your customers' privacy, or we won't
let you export any kind of secure products.
At the same time, the FBI was let into the group that reviews each individual
company's application to export a cryptographic product. All reports indicate
that the FBI is making good on the threat, by objecting to the export of
all kinds of products that pose no threat at all to the national security
(having been exportable in previous years before the FBI gained a voice).
The FBI appears to think that by making itself hated and feared, it will
encourage companies to follow orders. Instead it is encouraging companies
to overturn the regulatory scheme that lets the FBI abuse the power to control
exports. Industry started a major lobbying group called Americans for Computer
(<A HREF="http://www.computerprivacy.org/">http://www.computerprivacy.org</A>),
which is attempting to change the laws to completely decontrol nonmilitary
encryption exports.
Some dozens of companies to signed up for key recovery, though it is unclear
how many actually plan to follow through on their promise to deploy the
technology. You will not find many of these companies trumpeting key recovery
in their product advertisements. Users are wary of it since they know it
means compromised security. If customers won't buy such products, companies
know it makes no sense to develop them.
The best course for companies is probably to develop products that provide
actual security, in some jurisdiction in the world which does not restrict
their export. Some companies are doing so. The government's "compromise"
offer discourages hesitant companies from taking this step, by providing
a more moderate and conciliatory step that they can take instead. Companies
that go to the effort to build overseas cryptographic expertise all use stronger
technology than DES, as a selling point and to guard against early obsolescence.
If those companies can be convinced to stay in the US, play the government's
key-recovery game, and stick with DES, the government continues to win, and
the privacy of the public continues to lose.
The success or failure of the government's carrot-and-stick approach depends
on keeping industry and the public misled about DES's security. If DES-based
products were perceived as insecure, there would be little reason for companies
to sign away their customers' privacy birthrights in return for a mess of
DES pottage. If DES-based products are perceived as secure, but the government
actually knows that the products are insecure, then the government gets
concessions from companies,
without impacting its ability to intercept communications. Keeping the public
ignorant gives the government the best of both worlds.
<B><I>Political Motivations and EFF's Response</I></B>
We speculate that government officials are deliberately misleading the public
about the strength of DES encryption:
To encourage the public to continue using DES, so their agencies can eavesdrop
on the public.
To prevent the widespread adoption of stronger standards than DES, which
the government would have more trouble decrypting.
To offer DES exportability as a bargaining-chip, which actually costs the
government little, but is perceived to be valuable.
To encourage policy-makers such as Congressmen or the President to impose
drastic measures such as key recovery, in the belief that law enforcement
has a major encrypted-data problem and no practical way to crack codes.
As advocates on cryptography policy, we found ourselves in a hard situation.
It appeared that highly credible people were either deliberately lying to
Congress and to the public in order to advance their own harmful agendas,
or were advocating serious infringement of civil liberties based on their
own ignorance of the underlying issues. Most troubling is the possibility
that they were lying. Perhaps these government executives merely saw themselves
as shielding valuable classified efforts from disclosure. As advocates of
good government, we do not see that classifying a program is any justification
for an official to perjure themselves when testifying about it. (Declining
to state an opinion is one thing; making untruthful statements as if they
were facts is quite another.)
The National Research Council studied encryption issues and published a very
complete 1996 report.* The most interesting conclusion of their report was
that "the debate over national cryptography policy can be carried out in
a reasonable manner on an unclassified basis". This presumes good faith on
the part of the agencies who hide behind classified curtains, though. If
it turns out that their public statements are manipulative falsehoods, an
honest and reasonable public debate must necessarily exclude them, as dishonest
and unreasonable participants.
In the alternative, if poor policy decisions are being made based on the
ignorance or incompetence of senior government officials, the role of honest
advocates should be to inform the debate.
<SMALL>* Cryptography's Role In Securing the Information Society, Kenneth
W. Dam and Herbert S. Lin, editors. National Academy Press, Washington, DC,
In response to these concerns, EFF began a research program. Our research
results prove that DES can be cracked quickly on a low budget. This proves
that these officials were either lying or incompetent. The book you are holding
documents the research, and allows it to be validated by other scientists.
The goal of EFF's DES Cracker research project is to determine just how cheap
or expensive it is to build a machine that cracks DES usefully.
Technically, we were also interested in exploring good designs for plaintext
recognizers. These are circuits that can notice when the result of decryption
is likely enough to be correct that specialized software--or a human--should
look at it. Little research has been published on them,* yet they are a vital
part of any efficient system for cryptanalysis.
Merely doing the research would let EFF learn the truth about the expense
of cracking DES. But only publishing the research and demonstrating the machine
would educate the public on the truth about the strength of DES. Press releases
and even technical papers would not suffice; the appearance of schematics
for a million-dollar DES Cracker in Michael Wiener's excellent 1993 paper
should have been enough. But people still deploy DES, and Congressmen blindly
accept the assurances of high officials about its strength.
There are many people who will not believe a truth until they can see it
with their own eyes. Showing them a physical machine that can crack DES in
a few days is the only way to convince some people that they really cannot
trust their security to DES.
Another set of people might not believe our claims unless several other teams
have reproduced them. (This is a basic part of the scientific method.) And
many people will naturally be interested in how such a box works, and how
it was built for only about $200,000. This book was written for such people.
It contains the complete specifications and design documents for the DES
Cracker, as well as circuit diagrams for its boards, and complete listings
of its software and its gate array design. The full publication of our design
should enable other teams to rapidly reproduce, validate, and improve on
our design.
<SMALL>* But see: David A. Wagner and Steven M. Bellovin, "A Programmable
Plaintext Recognizer," 1994. Available at
<A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/smb/papers/recog.ps">http://www.research.att.com/smb/papers/recog.ps</A>
<A HREF="http://www.research.att.com/smb/papers/recog.pdf">recog.pdf</A>.</SMALL>
<I>History of DES Cracking</I>
DES Crackers have been mentioned in the scientific and popular literature
since the 1970's. Whitfield Diffie's Foreword describes several of them.
The most recent detailed description was in a paper by Michael Wiener of
Bell Northern Research in 1993. Wiener's paper included a detailed hardware
design of a DES Cracker built with custom chips. The chips were to be built
into boards, and the boards into mechanical "frames" like those of telephone
central office switches. A completed design would have cost about a million
dollars and would determine a DES key from known plaintext and known ciphertext
in an average of 3-1/2 hours (7 hours in the worst case).
Mr. Wiener updated his conclusions in 1998, adjusting for five years of
technological change. His update paper is included in this book, thanks to
the courtesy of RSA Data Security, which originally published his update.
Ian Goldberg and David Wagner of the University of California at Berkeley
took a different approach. Their design used a "field programmable gate array"
(FPGA), which is a chip that can be reprogrammed after manufacturing into
a variety of different circuits.
FPGA chips are slower than the custom chips used in the Wiener design, but
can be bought quickly in small quantities, without a large initial investment
in design. Rather than spend a big chunk of a million dollars to design a
big machine, these researchers bought one or two general purpose chips and
programmed them to be a slow DES Cracker. This let them quickly measure how
many slow chips they would need to pile up to make a practical DES Cracker.
Their paper is also included in this book.
<I>EFF's DES Cracker Project</I>
The Electronic Frontier Foundation began its investigation into DES Cracking
in 1997. The original plan was to see if a DES Cracker could be built out
of a machine containing a large number of FPGA's.
Large machines built out of FPGAs exist in the commercial market for use
in simulating large new chip designs before the chip is built. A collection
of thousands of relatively incapable FPGA chips can be put together to simulate
one very capable custom chip, although at 1/10th or 1/100th of the speed
that the eventual custom chip would run at. This capability is used by chip
designers to work the "bugs" out of their chip before committing to the expensive
and time-consuming step of fabricating physical chips from their design.
EFF never got access to such a chip simulator. Instead, our investigations
led us to Paul Kocher of Cryptography Research. Paul had previously worked
with a team
of hardware designers who knew how to build custom gate array chips cheaply,
in batches of a few thousand chips at a time.
Paul and EFF met with the chip designers at Advanced Wireless Technologies,
and determined that a workable DES Cracker could be built on a budget of
about $200,000. The resulting machine would take less than a week, on average,
to determine the key from a single 8-byte sample of known plaintext and
ciphertext. Moreover, it would determine the key from a 16-byte sample of
ciphertext in almost the same amount of time, if the statistical characteristics
of the plaintext were known or guessable. For example, if the plaintext was
known to be an electronic mail message, it could find all keys that produce
plaintext containing nothing but letters, numbers, and punctuation. This
makes the machine much more usable for solving real-world decryption problems.
There is nothing revolutionary in our DES Cracker. It uses ordinary ideas
about how to crack DES that have been floating around in the cryptographic
research community for many years. The only difference is that we actually
built it, instead of just writing papers about it. Very similar machines
could have been built last year, or the year before, or five or ten years
ago; they would have just been slower or more expensive.
The design of the EFF DES Cracker is simple in concept. It consists of an
ordinary personal computer connected with a large array of custom chips.
Software in the personal computer instructs the custom chips to begin searching,
and interacts with the user. The chips run without further help from the
software until they find a potentially interesting key, or need to be directed
to search a new part of the key space. The software periodically polls the
chips to find any potentially interesting keys that they have turned up.
The hardware's job isn't to find the answer. but rather to eliminate most
of the answers that are incorrect. Software is then fast enough to search
the remaining potentially-correct keys, winnowing the false positives" from
the real answer. The strength of the machine is that it replicates a simple
but useful search circuit thousands of times, allowing the software to find
the answer by searching only a tiny fraction of the key space.
As long as there is a small bit of software to coordinate the effort, the
problem of searching for a DES key is "highly parallelizable". This means
the problem can be usefully solved by many machines working in parallel,
simultaneously. For example, a single DES-Cracker chip could find a key by
searching for many years. A thousand DES-Cracker chips can solve the same
problem in one thousandth of the time. A million DES-Cracker chips could
theoretically solve the same problem in
about a millionth of the time, though the overhead of starting each chip
would become visible in the time required. The actual machine we built contains
1536 chips.
When conducting a brute-force search, the obvious thing to do is to try every
possible key, but there are some subtleties. You can try the keys in any
order. If you think the key isn't randomly selected, start with likely ones.
When you finally find the right key, you can stop; you don't have to try
all the rest of the keys. You might find it in the first million tries; you
might find it in the last million tries. On average, you find it halfway
through (after trying half the keys). As a result, the timings for brute-force
searches are generally given as the average time to find a key. The maximum
time is double the average time.
<B><I>Search units </I></B>
The search unit is the heart of the EFF DES Cracker; it contains thousands
of them.
A search unit is a small piece of hardware that takes a key and two 64-bit
blocks of ciphertext. It decrypts a block of ciphertext with the key, and
checks to see if the resulting block of plaintext is "interesting". If not,
it adds 1 to the key and repeats, searching its way through the key space.
If the first decryption produces an "interesting" result, the same key is
used to decrypt the second block of ciphertext. If both are interesting,
the search unit stops and tells the software that it has found an interesting
key. If the second block's decryption is uninteresting, the search unit adds
one to the key and goes on searching the key space.
When a search unit stops after finding an interesting result, software on
the host computer must examine the result, and determine whether it's the
real answer, or just a "false positive". A false positive is a plaintext
that looked interesting to the hardware, but which actually isn't a solution
to the problem. The hardware is designed to produce some proportion of false
positives along with the real solution. (The job of the hardware isn't to
find the answer, but to eliminate the vast majority of the non-answers.)
As long as the false positives don't occur so rapidly that they overwhelm
the software s ability to check and reject them, they don't hurt, and they
simplify the hardware and allow it to be more general-purpose. For the kinds
of problems that we're trying to solve, the hardware is designed to waste
less than 1% of the search time on false positives.
<B><I>Recognizing interesting plaintext</I></B>
What defines an interesting result? If we already know the plaintext, and
are just looking for the key, an interesting result would be if the plaintext
from this key matches our known block of plaintext. If we don't know the
plaintext, perhaps the guess that it's all composed of letters, digits, and
punctuation defines "interesting". The test has to be simple yet flexible.
We ended up with one that's simple for the hardware, but a bit more complicated
for the software.
Each result contains eight 8-bit bytes. First, the search unit looks at each
byte of the result. Such a byte can have any one of 256 values. The search
unit is set up with a table that defines which of these 256 byte values are
"interesting" and which are uninteresting. For example, if the plaintext
is known to be all numeric, the software sets up the table so that the ten
digits (O to 9) are interesting, and all other potential values are
The result of decrypting with the wrong key will look pretty close to random.
So the chance of having a single byte look "interesting" will be based on
what fraction of the 256 values are defined to be "interesting". If, say,
69 characters are interesting (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, and a few punctuation
characters), then the chance of a random byte appearing to be interesting
is 69/256 or about 1/4. These don't look like very good odds; the chip would
be stopping on one out of every four keys, to tell the software about
"interesting" but wrong keys.
But the "interest" test is repeated on each byte in the result. If the chance
of having a wrong key's byte appear interesting is 1/4, then the chance of
two bytes appearing interesting is 1/4 of 1/4, or 1/16th. For three bytes,
1/4th of 1/4th of 1/4th, or 1/64th. By the time the chip examines all 8 bytes
of a result, it only makes a mistake on 1/65536th of the keys
(l/4<SUP>8</SUP> keys).
That seems like a pretty small number, but when you're searching through
72,057,594,037,927,936 keys (2<SUP>56</SUP> keys, or 72 quadrillion keys),
you need all the help you can get. Even having the software examine 1/65536th
of the possible keys would require looking at 1,099,511,627,776 keys
(2<SUP>40</SUP> or about a trillion keys). So the chip provides a bit more
This help comes from that second block of ciphertext. If every byte of a
result looks interesting when the first block of ciphertext is decrypted,
the chip goes back around and decrypts the second block of ciphertext with
the same key. This divides the "error rate" by another factor of 65536, leaving
the software with only 16,777,216 (2<SUP>24</SUP> or about sixteen million)
keys to look at. Software on modern computers is capable of handling this
in a reasonable amount of time.
(If we only know one block of ciphertext, we just give the chip two copies
of the same ciphertext. It will test both copies, and eventually tell us
that the block is
interesting. The amount of time it spends checking this "second block" is
always a tiny fraction of the total search time.)
In the plaintext recognizer there are also 8 bits that lets us specify which
bytes of a plaintext are interesting to examine. For example, if we know
or suspect the contents of the first six bytes of a plaintext value, but
don't know anything about the last two bytes, we can search for keys which
match in just those six bytes.
<I><B>Known plaintext</B></I>
The chips will have many fewer "false positives" if the plaintext of the
message is known, instead of just knowing its general characteristics. In
that case, only a small number of byte values will be "interesting". If the
plaintext has no repeated byte values, only eight byte values will be
interesting, instead of 69 as above.
For example, if the plaintext block is "hello th", then only the six byte
values "h", "e", "l", "o", space, and "t" are interesting. If a plaintext
contains only these bytes, it is interesting. We'll get some "false positives"
since many plaintexts like "tholo tt" would appear "interesting" even though
they don't match exactly.
Using this definition of "interesting", a byte resulting from a wrong key
will look interesting only about 8/256ths of the time, or 1/32nd of the time.
All eight bytes resulting from a wrong key will look interesting only 1/32nd
to the eighth power (1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd of 1/32nd
of 1/32nd of 1/32nd) of the time, or 1/1,099,511,627,776th of the time
(1/2<SUP>40</SUP> of the time). In other words, a search unit can try an
average of a trillion keys before reporting that a wrong key looks interesting.
This lets it search for a long time without slowing down or bothering the
Once you get it going, a search unit can do one decryption in 16 clock cycles.
The chips we have built can run with a clock of 40 Mhz (40 million cycles
per second). Dividing 16 into 40 million shows that each search unit can
try about 2.5 million keys per second.
In building the search units, we discovered that we could make them run faster
if we used simpler circuitry for adding 1 to a key. Rather than being able
to count from a key of O all the way up to a key of all ones, we limited
the adder so that it can only count the bottom 32 bits of the key. The top
24 bits always remain the same. At a rate of 2.5 million keys per second,
it takes a search unit 1717 seconds (about half an hour) to search all the
possible keys that have the same top 24 bits. At the end of half an hour,
the software has to stop the chip, reload it with a new value in the top
24 bits, and start it going again.
<B><I>Feedback Modes</I></B>
The chip can also decrypt ciphertext that was encrypted in "Cipher Block
Chaining" mode. In this mode, the ciphertext of each block is exclusive-OR'd
into the plaintext of the next block before it is encrypted. (An "initialization
vector" is exclusive-OR'd into the first block of plaintext.) The search
unit knows how to exclusive-OR out an Initialization Vector (IV) after decrypting
the first cyphertext, and to exclusive-OR out the first cyphertext after
decrypting the second one. The software specifies the IV at the same time
it provides the cyphertext values.
<B><I>Blaze Challenge</I></B>
In June, 1997 Matt Blaze, a cryptography researcher at AT&T, proposed
a different sort of cryptographic challenge. He wanted a challenge that not
even the proponent knew how to solve, without either doing a massive search
of the key-space, or somehow cryptanalyzing the structure of DES.
His challenge is merely to find a key such that a ciphertext block of the
form XXXXXXXX decrypts to a plaintext block of the form YYYYYYYY, where X
and Y are any fixed 8-bit value that is repeated across each of the eight
bytes of the block.
We added a small amount of hardware to the search units to help with solving
this challenge. There is an option to exclusive-OR the right half of the
plaintext into the left half, before looking to see if the plaintext is
"interesting". For plaintexts of the form YYYYYYYY, this will result in a
left half of all zeros. We can then set up the plaintext recognizer so it
only looks at the left half, and only thinks zeroes are interesting. This
will produce a large number of false positives (any plaintext where the left
and right halves are equal, like ABCDABCD), but software can screen them
out with only about a 1% performance loss.
<B><I>Structure Of The Machine</I></B>
Now that you know how a single search unit works, let's put them together
into the whole machine.
Each search unit fits inside a custom chip. In fact, 24 search units fit
inside a single chip. All the search units inside a chip share the same
ciphertext blocks. initialization vector, and the same plaintext-recognizer
table of "interesting" result values. Each search unit has its own key, and
each can be stopped and started independently.
The chip provides a simple interface on its wires. There are a few signals
that say whether any of the search units are stopped, some address and data
wires so that
the software can read and write to the search units, and wires for electrical
power and grounding.
Since each search unit tries 2.5 million keys per second, a chip with 24
search units will try 60 million keys per second. But there are a lot of
keys to look at. For a single chip, it would take 6,950 days (about 19 years)
to find the average key, or 38 years to search the entire key space. Since
we don't want to wait that long, we use more than one chip.
Each chip is mounted onto a large circuit board that contains 64 chips, along
with a small bit of interface circuitry. The board blinks a light whenever
the software is talking to that board. 64 other lights show when some search
unit in each chip has stopped. In normal operation the software will talk
to the board every few seconds, to check up on the chips. The chips should
only stop every once in a while, and should be quickly restarted by the software.
The boards are designed to the mechanical specifications of "9U" VMEbus boards
(about 15" by 15"). VMEbus is an industrial standard for computer boards,
which was popular in the 1980s. We used the VMEbus form factor because it
was easy to buy equipment that such boards plug into; we don't actually use
the VMEbus electrical specifications.
9U VMEbus boards are much larger than the average interface card that plugs
into a generic PC, so a lot more chips can be put onto them. Also, 9U VMEbus
boards are designed to supply a lot of power, and our DES Cracker chips need
Since each chip searches 60 million keys per second, a board containing 64
chips will search 3.8 billion keys per second. Searching half the key space
would take the board about 109 days. Since we don't want to wait that long
either, we use more than one board.
The boards are mounted into chassis, also called "card cages". In the current
design, these chassis are recycled Sun workstation packages from about 1990.
Sun Microsystems built a large number of system.s that used the large 9U
VMEbus boards, and provide excellent power and cooling for the boards. The
Sun-4/470 chassis provides twelve slots for VMEbus boards, and can easily
be modified to handle our requirements. Subsequent models may use other physical
Each chassis has a connector for a pair of "ribbon cables to connect it to
the next chassis and to the generic PC that runs the software. The last chassis
will contain a "terminator", rather than a connection to the next chassis,
to keep the signals on the ribbon cable from getting distorted when they
reach the end of the line.
Since each board searches 3.8 billion keys per second, a chassis containing
12 boards will search 46 billion keys per second. At that rate, searching
half the key space takes about 9 days. One chassis full of boards is about
25% faster than the
entire worldwide network of machines that solved the RSA "DES-II" challenge
in February 1998, which was testing about 34 billion keys per second at its
Since an informal design goal for our initial DES Cracker was to crack an
average DES key in less than a week, we need more than 12 boards. To give
ourselves a comfortable margin, we are using 24 boards, which we can fit
into two chassis. They will search 92 billion keys per second, covering half
the key space in about 4.5 days. If the chips consume too much power or produce
too much heat for two chassis to handle,* we can spread the 24 boards across
three chassis.
<TD COLSPAN="4"><P ALIGN="Center">
Table 1-1: Summary of DES Cracker performance</TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
How Many In Next Device</TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
Days/avg search</TD>
<TD>Search Unit</TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD>EFF DES Cracker</TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
We designed the search unit once. Then we got a speedup factor of more than
36,000 to 1 just by replicating it 24 times in each chip and making 1500
chips. This is what we meant by "highly parallelizable"
The whole project was budgeted at about US$210,000. Of this, $80,000 is for
the labor of designing, integrating, and testing the DES Cracker. The other
$130,000 is for materials, including chips, boards, all other components
on the boards, card cages, power supplies, cooling, and a PC.
The software for controlling the DES Cracker was written separately, as a
volunteer project. It took two or three weeks of work.
The entire project was completed within about eighteen months. Much of that
time was used for preliminary research, before deciding to use a custom chip
rather than FPGA's. The contract to build custom chips was signed in September,
1997, about eight months into the project. The team contained less than ten
people, none of whom worked full-time on the project. They include a project
manager, software designer, programmer, chip designer, board designer, hardware
technicians, and hardware managers.
<SMALL>* At publication time, we have tested individual chips but have yet
not built the full machine If the chips' power consumption or heat production
is excessive in a machine containing 1500 chips, we also have the option
to reduce the chips' clock rate from 40 MHz down to, say, 30 MHz. This would
significantly reduce the power and heat problems, at a cost of 33% more time
per search (6 days on average).</SMALL>
We could have reduced the per-chip cost, or increased the chip density or
search speed, had we been willing to spend more money on design. A more complex
design could also have been flexible enough to crack other encryption algorithms.
The real point is that for a budget that any government, most companies,
and tens of thousands of individuals could afford, we built a usable DES
Cracking machine. The publication of our design will probably in itself reduce
the design cost of future machines, and the advance of semiconductor technology
also makes this cost likely to drop. In five years some teenager may well
build her own DES Cracker as a high school science fair project.
<I>Who Else Is Cracking DES?</I>
If a civil liberties group can build a DES Cracker for $200,000, it's pretty
likely that governments can do the same thing for under a million dollars.
(That's a joke.) Given the budget and mission of the US National Security
Agency, they must have started building DES Crackers many years ago. We would
guess that they are now on their fourth or fifth generation of such devices.
They are probably using chips that are much faster than the ones we used;
modern processor chips can run at more than 300 Mhz, eight times as fast
as our 40 Mhz chips. They probably have small "field" units that fit into
a suitcase and crack DES in well under a day; as well as massive central
units buried under Ft. Meade, that find the average DES key in seconds, or
find thousands of DES keys in parallel, examining thousands of independent
intercepted messages.
Our design would scale up to finding a DES key in about half an hour, if
you used 333,000 chips on more than 5,200 boards. The boards would probably
require about 200 parallel port cards to communicate with them; an IBM-compatible
PC could probably drive four such cards, thus requiring about 50 PC's too.
The software required would be pretty simple: the hard part would be the
logistics of physical arrangement and repair. This is about 200 times as
much hardware as the project we built. A ridiculously high upper bound on
the price of such a system would be 200 times the current project price,
or S40 million
Of course, if we were going to build a system to crack DE.S in half an hour
or less, using a third of a million chips, it would be better to go back
to the drawing board and design from scratch. We'd use more modern chip
fabrication processes; a higher-volume customer can demand this. We d spend
more on the initial design and the software, to produce a much cheaper and
simpler total system, perhaps allowing boards full of denser, faster,
lower-voltage chips to use a small onboard processor and plug directly into
an Ethernet. We'd work hard to reduce the cost of each chip, since there
would be so many of them. We'd think about how to crack multiple DES keys
It would be safe to assume that any large country has DES Cracking machines.
After the publication of this book wakes them up, probably more small countries
and some criminal organizations will make or buy a few DES Crackers. That
was not the intent of the book; the intent was to inform and warn the targets
of this surveillance, the builders of equipment, and the policy makers who
grapple with encryption issues.
<I>What To Do If You Depend On DES</I>
Don't design anything else that depends on single DES.
Take systems out of service that use permanently fixed single-DES keys, or
superencrypt the traffic at a higher level. Superencryption requires special
care, though, to avoid providing any predictable headers that can be used
to crack the outer DES encryption.
Start changing your software and/or hardware to use a stronger algorithm
than DES.
Three-key Triple-DES is an obvious choice, since it uses the same block size
and can possibly use the same hardware; it just uses three keys and runs
DES three times (encrypting each block with the first key, decrypting it
with the second, then encrypting it with the third). The strength of Triple-DES
is not known with any certainty, but it is certainly no weaker than single
DES, and is probably substantially stronger. Beware of "mixed up" variants
or modes of Triple-DES; research by Eli Biham* and David Wagner<SUP>+</SUP>
shows that they are significantly weaker than the straightforward Triple-DES,
and may be even weaker than single-DES. Use three copies of DES in Electronic
Code Book (ECB) mode as a basic primitive. You can then build a mode such
as Cipher Feedback mode using the primitive ECB 3DES.
The US Government is tardily going through a formal process to replace the
DES. This effort, called the Advanced Encryption Standard, will take several
years to decide on a final algorithm, and more years for it to be proven
out in actual use, and carefully scrutinized by public cryptanalysts for
hidden weaknesses. If you are designing products to appear five to ten years
from now, the AES might be a good source of an encryption algorithm for you.
The reason that the AES is tardy is because the NSA is believed to have blocked
previous attempts to begin the process over the last decade. In recent years
<SMALL>* "Cryptanalysis of Triple-Modes of Operation", Eli Biham, Technion
Computer Science Department Technical Report CS0885, 1996.</SMALL>
<SMALL>+"Cryptanalysis of some Recently Proposed Multiple Modes of Operation",
David Wagner, University of California at Berkeley,
<A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/multmode-fse98.ps">http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/multmode-fse98.ps</A>.
Presented at the 1998 Fast Software Encryption workshop.</SMALL>
has tried, without success, to get the technical community to use classified,
NSA-designed encryption algorithms such as Skipjack, without letting the
users subject these algorithms to public scrutiny. Only after this effort
failed did they permit the National Institute of Standards and Technology
to begin the AES standardization process.
The Data Encryption Standard has served the public pretty well since 1975.
But it was designed in an era when computation cost real money, when massive
computers hunkered on special raised flooring in air-conditioned inner sanctums.
In an era when you can carry a supercomputer in your backpack, and access
millions of machines across the Internet, the Data Encryption Standard is
The Electronic Frontier Foundation hopes that this book inspires a new level
of truth to enter the policy debates on encryption. In order to make wise
choices for our society, we must make well-informed choices. Great deference
has been paid to the perspective and experience of the National Security
Agency and Federal Bureau of Investigation in these debates. This is particularly
remarkable given the lack of any way for policy-makers or the public to check
the accuracy of many of their statements.* (The public cannot even hear many
of their statements, because they are classified as state secrets.) We hope
that the crypto policy debate can move forward to a more successful and generally
supported policy. Perhaps if these agencies will consider becoming more truthful,
or policy-makers will stop believing unverified statements from them, the
process can move more rapidly to such a conclusion.
<SMALL>* DES cracking is not the only issue on which agency credibility is
questionable. For example, the true extent of the law enforcement problem
posed by cryptography is another issue on which official dire predictions
have been made, while more careful and unbiased studies have shown little
or no impact. The validity of the agencies' opinion of the constitutionality
of their own regulations is also in doubt, having been rejected two decades
ago by the Justice Department, and declared unconstitutional in 1997 by a
Federal District Court. The prevalence of illegal wiretapping and communications
interception by government employees is also in question; see for example
the Los Angeles Times story of April 26, 1998, "Can the L.A. Criminal-Justice
System Work Without Trust?" </SMALL>
<A NAME="2">2</A>
<I>Design for DES Key Search Array </I>
<I>In This chapter: </I>
<I>On-Chip Registers </I>
<I>Commands </I>
<I>Search Unit Operation </I>
<I>Sample Programming Descriptions </I>
<I>Scalability and Performance </I>
<I>Host Computer Software </I>
<I>Glossary </I>
Cryptography Research <BR>
and <BR>
Advanced Wireless Technologies, Inc. <BR>
<I>On-Chip Registers </I>
Each chip contains the following registers. They are addressed as specified
in Figure 2-1.
<B>Ciphertext0 (64 bits = 8 bytes) </B>
The value of the first ciphertext being searched. Ciphertext0 is identical
in all search units and is set only once (when the search system is first
<B>Ciphertext1 (64 bits = 8 bytes) </B>
The value of the second ciphertext being searched. Ciphertext1 is identical
in all search units and is set only once (when the search system is first
<B>PlaintextByteMask (8 bits) </B>
The plaintext byte selector. One-bits in this register indicate plaintext
bytes that should be ignored when deciding whether or not the plaintext produced
by a particular key is possibly correct. This mask is helpful when only a
portion of the plaintext's value is known. For example, if the first S bytes
equal a known header but the remaining three are unknown, a PlaintextByteMask
of 0x07 would be used.
<B>PlaintextXorMask (64 bits = 8 bytes) </B>
This register is XORed with decryption of ciphertext0. This is normally filled
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<B><I>Figure 2-1: Register Addressing </I></B>
<PRE> Register(s) Description & Comments
0x00-0x1F PlaintextVector
0x20-0x27 PlaintextXorMask
0x28-0x2F Ciphertext0
0x30-0x37 Ciphertext1
0x38 PlaintextByteMask
0x39-0x3E Unused (reserved)
0x3F SearchInfo
0x40-0x47 Search unit 0 key counter (0x40-0x46) and SearchStatus (0x47)
0x48-0x4F Search unit 1 key counter (0x48-0x4E) and SearchStatus (0x4F)
0x50-0x57 Search unit 2 key counter (0x50-0x56) and SearchStatus (0x57)
0x58-0x5F Search unit 3 key counter (0x58-0x5E) and SearchStatus (0x5F)
0x60-0x67 Search unit 4 key counter (0x60 0x66) and SearchStatus (0x67)
0x68-0x6F Search unit 5 key counter (0x68 0x6E) and SearchStatus (0x6F)
0x70-0x77 Search unit 6 key counter (0x70-0x76) and SearchStatus (0x77)
0x78-0x7F Search unit 7 key counter (0x78-0x7E) and SearchStatus (0x7F)
0x80-0x87 Search unit 8 key counter (0x80-0x86) and SearchStatus (0x87)
0x88-0x8F Search unit 9 key counter (0x88 0x8E) and SearchStatus (0x8F)
0x90-0x97 Search unit 10 key counter (0x90-0x96) and SearchStatus (0x97)
0x98-0x9F Search unit 11 key counter (0x98-0x9E) and SearchStatus (0x9F)
0xA0-0xA7 Search unit 12 key counter (0xA0-0xA6) and SearchStatus (0xA7)
0xA8-0xAF Search unit 13 key counter (0xA8-0xAE) and SearchStatus (0xAF)
0xB0-0xB7 Search unit 14 key counter (0xB0 0xB6) and SearchStatus (0xB7)
0xB8-0xBF Search unit 15 key counter (0xB8-0xBE) and SearchStatus (0xBF)
0xC0-0xC7 Search unit 16 key counter (0xC0-0xC6) and SearchStatus (0xC7)
0xC8-0xCF Search unit 17 key counter (0xC8-0xCE) and SearchStatus (0xCF)
0xD0-0xD7 Search unit 18 key counter (0xD0-0xD6) and SearchStatus (0xD7)
0xD8-0xDF Search unit 19 key counter (0xD8-0xDE) and SearchStatus (0xDF)
0xE0-0xE7 Search unit 20 key counter (0xE0-0xE6) and SearchStatus (0xE7)
0xE8 0xEF Search unit 21 key counter (0xE8-0xEE) and SearchStatus (0xEF)
0xF0-0xF7 Search unit 22 key counter (0xF0-0xF6) and SearchStatus (0xF7)
0xF8-0xFF Search unit 23 key counter (0xF8-0xFE) and SearchStatus (0xFF)

the CBC mode IV.
<B>PlaintextVector (256 bits = 8 bytes) </B>
Identifies allowable plaintext byte values (ignoring those masked by the
PlaintextByteMask). If, for any plaintext byte P[i=0..7], bit P[i] is not
set, the decryption key will be rejected. PlaintextVector is identical in
all search units and is set only once (when the search system is first
<B>SearchInfo (8 bits) </B>
The bits in SearchInfo describe how the correct plaintext identification
function works. Bits of SearchInfo are defined as follows:
<B>bit 0 = UseCBC </B>
If this bit is set, Ciphertext0 is XORed onto the plaintext produced by
decrypting Ciphertext1 before the plaintext is checked. This bit is used
when checking CBC-mode ciphertexts.
<B>bit 1 = ExtraXOR </B>
If set, the right half of the resulting plaintext is XORed onto the left
before any plaintext checking is done. ExtraXOR and UseCBC cannot be used
<B>bit 2 = ChipAllActive </B>
If cleared, one or more search units in this chip have halted (e.g., SearchActive
is zero). This value is computed by ANDing the SearchActive bits of all search
units' SearchStatus bytes. The inverse of this value is sent out on a dedicated
pin, for use in driving a status LED which lights up whenever the chip halts.
<B>bit 3 = BoardAllActive </B>
This pin is the AND of the ChipAllActive lines of this chip and all later
chips on the board. This is implemented by having each chip n take in chip
n+1's BoardAllActive line, AND it with its own ChipAllActive line, and output
the result to chip n-1 for its BoardAllActive computation. This makes it
possible to find which chip on a board has halted by querying log2N chips,
where N is the number of chips on the board. If BoardAllActiveEnable is not
set to 1, BoardAllActive simply equals the BoardAllActiveInput pin, regardless
of the chip's internal state.
<B>bit 4 = BoardAllActiveEnable </B>
If this value is set to 0 then BoardAllActive always equals the
BoardAllActiveInput pin, regardless of whether all search units on the board
are active. If this bit is set to 1, then the BoardAllActive register (and
output) are set to reflect the internal state of the chip ANDed with the
input pin.
<B>bits 5-7 = Unused </B>
<B>KeyCounter (56 bits) </B>
The value of the key currently being checked The KeyCounter is updated very
frequently (i.e., once per key tested). A unique KeyCounter value is assigned
to every search unit. When the search unit halts after a match, KeyCounter
has already been incremented to the next key; the match was on the previous
<B>SearchCommandAndStatus (8 bits) </B>
The bits in SearchStatus describe the current search state of a specific
search unit. A unique SearchStatus register is allocated for each search
unit. Bits of SearchStatus are allocated as follows:
<B>bit 0 = SearchActive </B>
Indicates whether the search is currently halted (0=halted, 1=active). The
computer sets this bit to begin a search, and it is cleared by the search
unit if a matching candidate key is found. The host computer checks the status
of this bit periodically and, if it is zero, reads out the key then restarts
the search. (See also ChipAllActive and BoardAllActive in the SearchInfo
<B>bit 1 = CiphertextSelector </B>
Indicates whether the search engine is currently checking Ciphertext0 or
Ciphertext1. (0=Ciphertext0, 1=Ciphertext1). If this bit is clear, the search
engine decrypts Ciphertext0 and either sets CiphertextSelector to 1 (if the
plaintext passes the checks) or increments KeyCounter (if the plaintext does
not pass). If this bit is set, the search engine decrypts Ciphertext1 and
either sets SearchActive to 0 (if the plaintext passes the checks) or sets
CiphertextSelector to 0 and increments KeyCounter (if the plaintext does
not pass).
<B>bits 2-7 = Unused</B>
<B><I>Commands </I></B>
In order to be able to address each search unit separately, each can be addressed
uniquely by the combination of its location on the chip, the location of
the chip on the board, and board's identifier. The BoardID is interpreted
off-chip; each chip has a board select pin, which notifies the chip when
the board has been selected. Chip ID matching is done inside each ASIC; the
ID pins of the ASIC are wired to the chip's ID.
All commands are originated by the computer go via a bus which carries 8
bits for BoardID/ChipID/Register address, 8 bits for data, and a few additional
bits for controls .
To do a search, the host computer will program the search units as shown
in Figure 2-2. (N is the total number of search units, numbered from 0 to
N-1, each with a unique BoardID/ChipID/Register address.)
<I>Search Unit Operation </I>
Each search unit contains a DES engine, which performs DES on two 32-bit
registers L/R using the key value in KeyCounter. Each search unit goes through
the process detailed in Figure 2-3, and never needs to halt. If registers
are updated during the middle of this process, the output is meaningless
(which is fine, since an incorrect output is statistically almost certain
to not be a match).
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<I><B>Figure 2-2: Example algorithm for programming <BR>
the search array using host computer </B></I>
This is a very simple algorithm intended only as an example. The actual software
will use more intelligent search techniques, using the BoardAllActive and
ChipAllActive lines.
Load Ciphertext0, Ciphertext1, PlaintextXorMask, PlaintextByteMask,
PlaintextVector, and SearchInfo into each chip.
For i = 0 upto N-1
Set SearchStatus in search unit i to 0 while loading the key. <BR>
Set KeyCounter of search unit i to ((256)(i) / N). <BR>
Set SearchStatus in search unit i to 1 to enable SearchActive.
While correct key has not been found:
For i = 0 upto N-1:
Read SearchStatus from search unit i.<BR>
Check SearchActive bit. <BR>
If SearchActive is set to 0:
Read KeyCounter from search unit i. <BR>
Subtract 1 from the low 32 bits of the key. <BR>
Perform a DES operation at the local computer to check the key. If the key
is correct, the search is done. <BR>
Set the SearchActive bit of SearchStatus to restart the search.
EndWhile <BR>
<I>Sample Programming Descriptions </I>
This section describes how the system will be programmed for some typical
<B><I>Known ciphertext/plaintext (ECB, CBC, etc.) </I></B>
If a complete ciphertext/plaintext block is known, this mode is used. This
works for most DES modes (ECB, CBC, counter, etc.), but does require a full
plaintext/ ciphertext pair.
<B>PlaintextVector </B>
For this search, there are 8 (or fewer) unique plaintext bytes in the known
plaintext. The bits corresponding to these bytes are set in PlaintextVector,
but all other bits are set to 0.
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<B><I>Figure 2-3: Search unit operation </I></B>
1. If CiphertextSelector is 0, then Let L/R = Ciphertext0. <BR>
If CiphertextSelector is 1, then Let L/R = Ciphertext1.
2. Decrypt L/R using the key in KeyCounter, producing a candidate plaintext
in L/R.
3. If ExtraXOR is 1, then Let L = L XOR R.<BR>
If CiphertextSelector is 0, then
Let L/R = L/R XOR PlaintextXorMask.
If CiphertextSelector is 1 and UseCBC is 1, then:
Let L/R = L/R XOR Ciphertext0.
4. If SearchActive = 1 AND ( <BR>
(PlaintextByteMask[0x80] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 0 of L] is 0) OR
(PlaintextByteMask[0x40] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 1 of L] is 0) OR
(PlaintextByteMask[0x20] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 2 of L] is 0) OR
(PlaintextByteMask[0x10] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 3 of L] is 0) OR
(PlaintextByteMask[0x08] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 0 of R] is 0) OR
(PlaintextByteMask[0x04] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 1 of R] is 0) OR
(PlaintextByteMask[0x02] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 2 of R] is 0) OR
(PlaintextByteMask[0x01] = 0 AND PlaintextVector[byte 3 of R] is 0)) then:
Let CiphertextSelector = 0. <BR>
Increment KeyCounter.
If CiphertextSelector is 1 then Let SearchActive = 0. <BR>
Let CiphertextSelector = 1.
5. Go to step 1. <BR>
<B>Ciphertext0 </B>
Equals the ciphertext block.
<B>Ciphertext1 </B>
Equals the ciphertext block.
<B>SearchInfo </B>
UseCBC and ExtraXOR are both set to 0.
<B>PlaintextByteMask </B>
Set to 0x00 (all bytes used).
Set to 0x0000000000000000.
Because the plaintext byte order does not matter, there are 8 acceptable
values for each ciphertext byte, or 8<SUP>8</SUP> = 2<SUP>24</SUP> = 16.7
million possible ciphertexts which will satisfy the search criteria. The
probability that an incorrect ciphertext will pass is 2<SUP>24</SUP> /
2<SUP>64</SUP>, so over a search of 2<SUP>55</SUP> keys there will be an
average of (2<SUP>55</SUP>)( 2<SUP>24</SUP> / 2<SUP>64</SUP>), or 32768 false
positives which will need to be rejected by the controlling computer. Because
the Ciphertext0 and Ciphertext1 selections are identical, any false positives
that pass the first test will also pass the second test. (The performance
penalty is negligible; the search system will do two DES operations on each
of the 32768 false positive keys, but only one DES operation on all other
incorrect keys.)
<B><I>ASCII text (ECB or CBC) </I></B>
A minimum of two adjacent ciphertexts (16 bytes total) are required for
ASCII-only attacks.
<B>PlaintextVector </B>
Set only the bits containing acceptable ASCII characters. For normal text,
this would normally include 55 of the 256 possible characters occur (10=line
feed, 13=carriage return, 32=space, 65-90=capital letters, and 97-122=lowercase
<B>Ciphertext0 </B>
Equals the first ciphertext.
<B>Ciphertext1 </B>
Equals the second ciphertext.
<B>SearchInfo </B>
UseCBC is set to 0 if ECB, or set to 1 if the ciphertext was produced using
CBC. ExtraXOR is set to 0.
<B>PlaintextByteMask </B>
Set to 0x00 (all bytes used).
Set to 0x0000000000000000 for ECB, to IV for CBC.
The probability that the two (random) candidate plaintexts produced by an
incorrect key will contain only the ASCII text characters listed above is
(55/256)<SUP>16</SUP>. In a search, there will thus be an average of
2<SUP>55</SUP> (55/256)<SUP>16</SUP> = 742358 false positives which need
to be rejected by the computer. For one key in about 220,000, the first check
will pass and an extra DES will be required. (The time for these extra DES
operations is insignificant.) Idle time lost while waiting for false positives
to be cleared is also insignificant. If the computer checks each search unit's
SearchActive flag once per second, a total of 0.5 search unit seconds will
be wasted for every
false positive, or a total of 103 search-unit hours, out of about 4 million
search-unit hours for the whole search.
When programming CBC mode, note that the PlaintextXorMask must be set to
the IV (or the previous ciphertext, if the ciphertext being attacked is not
in the first block).
<B><I>Matt Blaze's Challenge </I></B>
The goal is to find a case where all plaintext bytes are equal and all ciphertext
bytes are equal.
<B>PlaintextVector </B>
Set only bit 0.
<B>Ciphertext0 </B>
Set to a fixed value with all bytes equal
<B>Ciphertext1 </B>
Same as Ciphertext0.
<B>SearchInfo </B>
UseCBC is set to 0. ExtraXOR is set to 1.
<B>PlaintextByteMask </B>
Set to 0x0F (only left half examined).
Set to 0x0000000000000000.
If the right and left half are equal, as must be the case if all plaintext
bytes are the same, then when the ExtraXOR bit's status causes the L=L XOR
R step, L will become equal to 0. The plaintext byte mask selects only the
left half and the PlaintextVector makes sure the 4 bytes are 0.
False positives occur whenever L=R, or with one key in 2<SUP>32</SUP>. Because
this search is not guaranteed to terminate after 2<SUP>56</SUP> operations,
the average time is 2<SUP>56</SUP> (not 2<SUP>55</SUP>). The number of false
positives is expected to be 2<SUP>56</SUP> / 2<SUP>32</SUP> = 2<SUP>24</SUP>
= 16.8 million. Each search unit will thus find a false positive every
2<SUP>32</SUP> keys on average, or about once every half hour. At 1 second
polling of search units, (0.5)(16.8 million)/3600 = 2333 search unit hours
will be idle (still under 1% of the total). The host computer will need to
do the 16.8 million DES operations (on average), but even a fairly poor DES
implementation can do this in just a few minutes.
<I>Scalability and Performance </I>
The architecture was intended to find DES keys in less than 10 days on average.
The performance of the initial implementation is specified in Figure 2-4.
Faster results can be easily obtained with increased hardware; doubling the
amount of hardware will halve the time per result. Within the design, boards
of keysearch ASICs can be added and removed easily, making it simple to make
smaller or larger systems, where larger systems cost more but find results
more quickly. Larger systems will have additional power and cooling requirements.
<TD><P ALIGN="Center">
<B><I>Figure 2-4: Performance Estimate </I></B>
<TD>Total ASICs</TD>
<TD>Search units per ASIC</TD>
<TD>Total search units</TD>
<TD>Clock speed (Hz)</TD>
<TD>Clocks per key (typical)</TD>
<TD>DES keys per search unit per second</TD>
<TD>Total DES keys per second</TD>
<TD>Search size (worst case)</TD>
<TD>Seconds per result (worst case)</TD>
<TD>Days per result (worst case)</TD>
<TD>Search size (average case)</TD>
<TD>Seconds per result (average case)</TD>
<TD><B>Days per result (average case) </B></TD>
<TD><B>4.52 </B></TD>
Host Computer Software </I>
Cryptography Research will write the following software:
<B>Simulation </B>
Cryptography Research will develop software to generate test vectors for
the chip for testing before the design is sent to the fab. This software
will test all features on the chip and all modes of operation. This program
will have a simple command line interface.
<B>Host computer </B>
The host computer software program will implement the standard search tasks
of breaking a known plaintexts, breaking encrypted ASCII text (ECB and CBC
modes), and solving the Matt Blaze challenge. These programs will be written
standard ANSI C, except for platform-specific I/O code. The host program
will also have a test mode, which loads search units with tasks that are
known to halt reasonably quickly (e.g., after searching a few million keys)
and verifies the results to detect of any failed parts. (The software will
include the capability of bypassing bad search units during search operations.)
Users who wish to perform unusual searches will need to add a custom function
to determining whether candidate keys are actually correct and recompile
the code.
The initial version of this program will have a simple command line interface
and will be written for DOS. A Linux port will also be written, but may not
be ready by the initial target completion date. (Because the only
platform-specific code will be the I/O functions, it should be very easy
to port to any platform with an appropriate compiler.) Software programs
will identify the participants in the project (AWT, EFF, and Cryptography
Cryptography Research will also produce a version with a prettier user interface
to make the demonstration more elegant (platform-to-be-determined).
All software and source code will be placed in the public domain.
<I>Glossary </I>
<B>BoardID </B>
An 8-bit identifier unique for each board. This will be set with a DIP switch
on the board. The host computer addresses chips by their ChipID and BoardID.
<B>CBC mode </B>
A DES mode in which the first plaintext block is XORed with an initialization
vector (IV) prior to encryption, and each subsequent plaintext is XOR with
the previous ciphertext.
<B>ChipID </B>
A value used by the host computer to specify which chip on a board is being
<B>Ciphertext </B>
Encrypted data.
<B>Ciphertext0 </B>
The first of the two ciphertexts to be attacked.
<B>Ciphertext1 </B>
The second of the two ciphertexts to be attacked.
<SMALL>Pre-ANSI C can be supported if required. Any GUI code will probably
be written in C++ .</SMALL>
<B>CiphertextSelector </B>
A register used to select the current ciphertext being attacked. The selector
is needed because a single DES engine needs to be able to test two ciphertexts
to determine whether both are acceptable matches before deciding that a key
is good match.
<B>DES </B>
The Data Encryption Standard.
<B>ExtraXOR </B>
A register to make the search units perform an extra operation which XORs
the right and left halves of the result together. This is used to add support
for Matt Blaze's DES challenge.
<B>Host computer </B>
The computer that controls the DES search array.
<B>KeyCounter </B>
Each search unit has a KeyCounter register which contains the current key
being searched. These registers are each 7 bytes long, to hold a 56-bit key.
<B>Plaintext </B>
Unencrypted data corresponding to a ciphertext.
<B>PlaintextByteMask </B>
An 8-bit register used to mask off plaintext bytes. This is used to mask
off bytes in the plaintext whose values aren't known or are too variable
to list in the PlaintextVector.
<B>PlaintextVector </B>
A 256-bit register used to specify which byte values can be present in valid
plaintexts. It is the host computer's responsibility to ensure that only
a reasonable number of bits are set in the PlaintextVector; setting too many
will cause the DES search units to halt too frequently.
<B>PlaintextXorMask </B>
A 64-bit register XORed onto the value derived by decrypting ciphertext 0.
Normally this mask is either zero or set to the CBC mode initialization vector
<B>SearchActive </B>
A bit for each search unit which indicates whether it is currently searching,
or whether it has stopped at a candidate key. Stopped search units can be
restarted by loading a key which does not halt and resetting this bit.
<B>SearchInfo </B>
A register containing miscellaneous information about how DES results should
be post- processed and also indicating whether any search units on the chip
or on the
board have halted.
<B>UseCBC </B>
A bit in SearchInfo which directs the search engine to do CBC-mode
post-processing after decryption (e.g., XOR the decryption of ciphertext1
with ciphertext0 to produce plaintext1).
<A NAME="3">3</A>
<I>Design for DES Key Search Array Chip-Level Specification </I>
<I>In This chapter: </I>
<I>ASIC Description </I>
<I>Board description </I>
<I>Read and Write Timing </I>
<I>Addressing Registers </I>
<I>All-active Signal </I>
<I>ASIC Register Allocation</I>
Advanced Wireless Technologies, Inc. <BR>
and <BR>
Cryptography Research <BR>
<I>ASIC Description </I>
Selects Cipher text 1
Cipher text 0
Cipher text 1
Search is active
Plain text bit mask and DES output
a Zero is found in any bit position of plain text vector as specified in
step 4 of Search Unit Operation (see Chapter 2)
CBC & Extra XOR
Perform step 3 of Search Unit Operation (see Chapter 2)
<IMG WIDTH="508" SRC="des3-1.jpg" HEIGHT="511">
<I>Figure 3-1. Search Unit Operation Flow Chart </I><BR>
To determine the maximum number of bit required for the Key:
K= log<SUB>2</SUB>(Maximum combinations/number of chips)
= log<SUB>2</SUB>(2<SUP>56</SUP>/(24 cpc * 64 cpb * 24 boards) =
log<SUB>2</SUB>(1. 95<I>E</I>12) = 42 bits
If we are going to use 32-bit counters, then it will overflow every:
2<SUP>32</SUP> * 16 cycles * 25ns = 1. 72 * 10<SUP>12</SUP>ns = 1720 sec
= 28. 7 minutes
<IMG WIDTH="507" SRC="des3-2.jpg" HEIGHT="540">
<I>Figure 3-2 State Diagram tor the Search Unit </I><BR>
<I>Board description </I>
The PC will interface with the ASICs through a parallel card. The parallel
card has three ports, assigned:
Port A: Address(7:0) <BR>
Port B: Data(7:0) <BR>
Port C: Control, 8 signals
To reduce the routing resources on the boards and ASICs we multiplex the
address lines. To access register on the ASIC, it is required that the software
latch the
<IMG WIDTH="506" SRC="des3-3.jpg" HEIGHT="600">
<I>Figure 3-3: Search Unit's Block Diagram </I><BR>
address three times: Board-ID(7:0), Chip-ID(6:0) and then Register address.
Having switches on the board makes the design flexible and expandable. Each
board has its own unique Board-ID configured on switches: for example a board
with an ID of hexadecimal 5F has its board ID switches configured as follows:
<IMG WIDTH="506" SRC="des3-31.jpg" HEIGHT="121">
<I>Read and Write Timing </I>
<IMG WIDTH="505" SRC="des3-32.jpg" HEIGHT="244">
<IMG WIDTH="510" SRC="des3-33.jpg" HEIGHT="246">
t<SUB>as1</SUB> 10 ns Min Board-ID and Chip-ID Address setup
t<SUB>as2</SUB> 10 ns Min Write Register-Address setup
t<SUB>as3</SUB> 10 ns Min Read Register-Address setup
t<SUB>ah1</SUB> 10 ns Min Board-ID and Chip-ID Address invalid (hold)
t<SUB>ah2</SUB> 10 ns Min Write strobe trailing edge to Address invalid (hold)
t<SUB>av</SUB> 10 ns Min ALE valid
t<SUB>ds</SUB> 10 ns Min Data valid to Write strobe goes low (setup)
t<SUB>ch</SUB> 10 ns Min Chip select hold
t<SUB>dh</SUB> 10 ns Min Write strobe goes high to data invalid (Data hold)
t<SUB>rv</SUB> 10 ns Min Read strobe duration
t<SUB>dv</SUB> 100 ns Max Read strobe goes low to data valid
t<SUB>dh</SUB> 100 ns Max Read strobe goes high to data invalid (Data hold)
<I>Addressing Registers </I>
<IMG WIDTH="368" SRC="des3-4.jpg" HEIGHT="195">
<I>Figure 3-4 Address Bus Scheme</I><BR>
<I>All-active Signal </I>
If low the SearchActive bit together. We will place one AND gate per ASIC
and cascade them.
<IMG WIDTH="508" SRC="des3-41.jpg" HEIGHT="118">
<I>3-8 </I>
<I>ASIC Register Allocation </I>
<TD COLSPAN="2"><P ALIGN="Center">
<B>Registers Common to All Search Units </B></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2"><P ALIGN="Center">
<B>Additional Registers for Search Units </B></TD>
<TD>Search Unit 0: Key counter (first 7 bytes) and Search Status</TD>
<TD>Search Unit 1: Key counter (first 7 bytes) and Search Status</TD>
<TD>. . .</TD>
<TD>Search Unit 23: Key counter (first 7 bytes) and Search Status</TD>
Number of register required:
58 common registers + 8 * <I>n</I> registers; <I>n</I> = the total number
of search units in an ASIC In this case <I>n</I> = 24, therefore 58 + 192
= 250 registers
<IMG WIDTH="511" SRC="des3-42.jpg" HEIGHT="535">
Note: The unspecified pins are Non-Connects
<A NAME="4">4</A>
<I>Scanning the Source Code </I>
<I>In This chapter: </I>
<I>The Politics of Cryptographic Source Code </I>
<I>The Paper Publishing Exception </I>
<I>Scanning </I>
<I>Bootstrapping </I>
The next few chapters of this book contain specially formatted versions of
the documents that we wrote to design the DES Cracker. These documents are
the primary sources of our research in brute-force cryptanalysis, which other
researchers would need in order to duplicate or validate our research results.
<I>The Politics of Cryptographic Source Code </I>
Since we are interested in the rapid progress of the science of cryptography,
as well as in educating the public about the benefits and dangers of
cryptographic technology, we would have preferred to put all the information
in this book on the World Wide Web. There it would be instantly accessible
to anyone worldwide who has an interest in learning about cryptography.
Unfortunately the authors live and work in a country whose policies on
cryptography have been shaped by decades of a secrecy mentality and covert
control. Powerful agencies which depend on wiretapping to do their jobs--as
well as to do things that aren't part of their jobs, but which keep them
in power--have compromised both the Congress and several Executive Branch
agencies. They convinced Congress to pass unconstitutional laws which limit
the freedom of researchers--such as ourselves--to publish their work. (All
too often, convincing Congress to violate the Constitution is like convincing
a cat to follow a squeaking can opener, but that doesn't excuse the agencies
for doing it.) They pressured agencies such as the Commerce Department, State
Department, and Department of Justice to not only subvert their oaths of
office by supporting these unconstitutional laws, but to act as front-men
in their repressive censorship scheme, creating unconstitutional regulations
and enforcing them against ordinary researchers and
authors of software.
The National Security Agency is the main agency involved, though they seem
to have recruited the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the last several
years. From the outside we can only speculate what pressures they brought
to bear on these other parts of the government. The FBI has a long history
of illicit wiretapping, followed by use of the information gained for blackmail,
including blackmail of Congressmen and Presidents. FBI spokesmen say that
was "the old bad FBI" and that all that stuff has been cleaned up after J.
Edgar Hoover died and President Nixon was thrown out of office. But these
agencies still do everything in their power to prevent ordinary citizens
from being able to examine their activities, e.g. stonewalling those of us
who try to use the Freedom of Information Act to find out exactly what they
are doing.
Anyway, these agencies influenced laws and regulations which now make it
illegal for U.S. crypto researchers to publish their results on the World
Wide Web (or elsewhere in electronic form).
<I>The Paper Publishing Exception </I>
Several cryptographers have brought lawsuits against the US Government because
their work has been censored by the laws restricting the export of cryptography.
(The Electronic Frontier Foundation is sponsoring one of these suits, Bernstein
v. Department of Justice, et al ).* One result of bringing these practices
under judicial scrutiny is that some of the most egregious past practices
have been eliminated.
For example, between the 1970's and early 1990's, NSA actually did threaten
people with prosecution if they published certain scientific papers, or put
them into libraries. They also had a "voluntary" censorship scheme for people
who were willing to sign up for it. Once they were sued, the Government realized
that their chances of losing a court battle over the export controls would
be much greater if they continued censoring books, technical papers, and
Judges understand books. They understand that when the government denies
people the ability to write, distribute, or sell books, there is something
very fishy going on. The government might be able to pull the wool over a
few judges' eyes about jazzy modern technologies like the Internet, floppy
disks, fax machines, telephones, and such. But they are unlikely to fool
the judges about whether it's constitutional to jail or punish someone for
putting ink onto paper in this free country.
* See
<A HREF="http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/ITAR_export/Bernstein_case/">http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/ITAR_export/Bernstein_case/</A>.
Therefore, the last serious update of the cryptography export controls (in
1996) made it explicit that these regulations do not attempt to regulate
the publication of information in books (or on paper in any format). They
waffled by claiming that they "might" later decide to regulate books--presumably
if they won all their court cases -- but in the meantime, the First Amendment
of the United States Constitution is still in effect for books, and we are
free to publish any kind of cryptographic information in a book. Such as
the one in your hand.
Therefore, cryptographic research, which has traditionally been published
on paper, shows a trend to continue publishing on paper, while other forms
of scientific research are rapidly moving online.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has always published most of its information
electronically. We produce a regular electronic newsletter, communicate with
our members and the public largely by electronic mail and telephone, and
have built a massive archive of electronically stored information about civil
rights and responsibilities, which is published for instant Web or FTP access
from anywhere in the world.
We would like to publish this book in the same form, but we can't yet, until
our court case succeeds in having this research censorship law overturned.
Publishing a paper book's exact same information electronically is seriously
illegal in the United States, if it contains cryptographic software. Even
communicating it privately to a friend or colleague, who happens to not live
in the United States, is considered by the government to be illegal in electronic
The US Department of Commerce has officially stated that publishing a World
Wide Web page containing links to foreign locations which contain cryptographic
software "is not an export that is subject to the Export Administration
Regulations (EAR)."* This makes sense to us--a quick <I>reductio ad
absurdum</I> shows that to make a ban on links effective, they would also
have to ban the mere mention of foreign Universal Resource Locators. URLs
are simple strings of characters, like
<A HREF="http://www.eff.org/">http://www.eff.org</A>; it's unlikely that any
American court would uphold a ban on the mere naming of a location where
some piece of information can be found.
Therefore, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is free to publish links to
where electronic copies of this book might exist in free countries. If we
ever find out about such an overseas electronic version, we will publish
such a link to it from the page at
<A HREF="http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/Crypto_misc/DES_Cracking/">http://www.eff.org/pub/Privacy/Crypto_misc/DES_Cracking/</A>.
* In the letter at
<A HREF="http://samsara.law.cwru.edu/comp_law/jvd/pdj-bxa-gjs070397.htm">http://samsara.law.cwru.edu/comp_law/jvd/pdj-bxa-gjs070397.htm</A>,
which is part of Professor Peter Junger's First Amendment lawsuit over the
crypto export control regulations.
When printing this book, we used tools from Pretty Good Privacy, Inc (which
has since been merged into Network Associates, Inc.). They built a pretty
good set of tools for scanning source code, and for printing source code
for scanning. The easiest way to handle the documents we are publishing in
this book is to use their tools and scanning instructions.
PGP published the tools in a book, naturally, called "Tools for Publishing
Source Code via OCR", by Colin Plumb, Mark H. Weaver, and Philip R. Zimmermann,
ISBN # 1-891064-02-9. The book was printed in 1997, and is sold by Printers
Inc. Bookstore, 301 Castro St, Mountain View, California 94041 USA; phone
+1650 961 8500; <A HREF="http://www.pibooks.com/">http://www.pibooks.com</A>.
The tools and instructions from the OCR Tools book are now available on the
Internet as well as in PGP's book. See
<A HREF="http://www.pgpi.com/project/">http://www.pgpi.com/project/</A>,
and follow the link to "proof-reading utilities". If that doesn't work because
the pages have been moved or rearranged, try working your way down from the
International PGP page,
<A HREF="http://www.pgpi.com/">http://www.pgpi.com</A>.
PGP's tools produce per-line and per-page checksums, and make normally invisible
characters like tabs and multiple spaces explicit. Once you obtain these
tools, we strongly suggest reading the textual material in the book, or the
equivalent README file in the online tool distribution. It contains very
detailed instructions for scanning and proofreading listings like those in
this book. The instructions that follow in this chapter are a very abbreviated
The first two parts of converting these listings to electronic form is to
scan in images of the pages, then convert the images into an approximation
of the text on the pages. The first part is done by a mechanical scanner;
the second is done by an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program. You
can sometimes rent time at a local "copy shop" on a computer that has both
a scanner and an OCR program.
When scanning the sources, we suggest "training" your OCR program by scanning
the test-file pages that follow, and some of the listings, and correcting
the OCR program's idea of what the text actually said. The details of how
to do this will depend on your particular OCR program. But if you straighten
it out first about the shapes of the particular characters and symbols that
we're using, the process of correcting the errors in the rest of the pages
will be much easier.
Some unique characters are used in the listings; train the OCR program to
convert them as follows:
Right pointing triangle (used for tabs) - currency symbol (byte value octal
Tiny centered triangle "dot" (used for multiple spaces) - center dot or bullet
(byte value octal 267)
Form feed - yen (byte value octal 245)
Big black square (used for line continuation) - pilcrow or paragraph symbol
(byte value octal 266).
Once you've scanned and OCR'd the pages, you can run them through PGP's tools
to detect and correct errors, and to produce clean online copies.
By the courtesy of Philip R. Zimmermann and Network Associates, to help people
who don't have the PGP OCR tools, we have included PGP's bootstrap and bootstrap2
pages. (The word <I>bootstrap</I> refers to the concept of "pulling yourself
up by your bootstraps", i.e. getting something started without any outside
help.) If you can scan and OCR the pages in some sort of reasonable way,
you can then extract the corrected files using just this book and a Perl
interpreter. It takes more manual work than if you used the full set of PGP
The first bootstrap program is one page of fairly easy to read Perl code.
Scan in this page, as carefully as you can: you'll have to correct it by
hand. Make a copy of the file that results from the OCR, and manually delete
the checksums, so that it will run as a Perl script. Then run this Perl script
with the OCR result (with checksums) as the argument. If you've corrected
it properly, it will run and produce a clean copy of itself, in a file called
bootstrap. (Make sure none of your files have that name.) If you haven't
corrected it properly, the perl script will die somehow and you'll have to
compare it to the printed text to see what you missed.
When the bootstrap script runs, it checks the checksum on each line of its
input file. For any line that is incorrect, the script drops you into a text
editor (set by the EDITOR environment variable) so you can fix that line.
When you exit the editor, it starts over again.
Once the bootstrap script has produced a clean version of itself, you can
run it against the scanned and OCR'd copy of the bootstrap2 page. Correct
it the same way, line by line until bootstrap doesn't complain. This should
leave you with a clean copy of bootstrap2.
The bootstrap2 script is what you'll use to scan in the rest of the book.
It works like the bootstrap script, but it can detect more errors by using
the page
checksum. Again, it won't correct most errors itself, but will drop you into
an editor to correct them manually. (If you want automatic error correction,
you have to get the PGP book.)
All the scannable listings in this book are in the public domain, except
the test-file, bootstrap, and bootstrap2 pages, which are copyrighted, but
which Network Associates permits you to freely copy. So none of the authors
have put restrictions on your right to copy their listings for friends, reprint
them, scan them in, publish them, use them in products, etc. However, if
you live in an unfree country, there may be restrictions on what you can
do with the listings or information once you have them. Check with your local
thought police.
<I>pp. 4-7 to 4-14 in preparation: </I>Six pages of test files, 1 page of
bootstrap, 1 page of bootstrap2. [Note: see bootstrap and bootstrap 2 as
part of OCR tools,
<A HREF="http://www.pgpi.com/project/">http://www.pgpi.com/project/</A>]
<I>Chapters 5-8 in preparation elsewhere. </I>
Note: Yvo Desmedt granted permission on August 1, 1998 to publish this chapter.
Mr. Desmedt stated that he is responsible only for this chapter and not the
book. His current addresses are the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee,
and the University of London.
<<A HREF="mailto:desmedt@cs.uwm.edu">desmedt@cs.uwm.edu</A>>. And,
"Note that it is said in the book that this paper was presented at Eurocrypt
'87, which is incorrect. A more general paper, with a different title was
presented at Eurocrypt '86. The chapter may have been presented at a rump
session, but I do not remember it."
<A NAME="9">9</A>
<I>Breaking One Million DES Keys by Yvo Desmedt</I>
<I>In This chapter.</I>
<I>The basic idea</I>
<I>Details of such a machine</I>
<I>Obtained results and remarks</I>
<I>This paper was presented at Eurocrypt 1987 by Yvo Desmedt and Jean-Jacques
Quisquater, under the title "An Exhaustive Key Search Machine Breaking One
Million DES Keys". We publish it here for the first time, since no proceedings
were made. It points out some research directions in parallel brute force
codebreaking that are still useful today.</I>
The DES is in the commercial and industrial world the most used cryptoalgorithm.
A realistic exhaustive key search machine will be proposed which breaks thousands
of keys each hour, when DES is used in its standard 8 byte modes to protect
privacy. Also authenticity protection with DES is sometimes insecure.
The DES is the NBS* and ANSI<SUP>+</SUP> standard for encryption. It has
been proposed to become an ISO<SUP>#</SUP> standard, under the name DEA1.
From the beginning Diffie and Hellman mentioned that one DES key could be
broken under a known plaintext attack using an exhaustive keysearch
machine.<SUP>§</SUP> However the design was criticized because practical
problems as size and power dissipation were not taken into
<SMALL>* "Data Encryption Standard", FIPS (National Bureau of Standards Federal
Information Processing Standards Publ.), no. 46, Washington D.C., January
<SMALL>+ "Data Encryption Algorithm", ANSI X3.92-1981, (American National
Standards Institute), New York, December 31, 1980.</SMALL>
<SMALL># "Data Encipherment, Specification of Algorithm DEA1", ISO/DP 8227
(Draft Proposal), 1983.</SMALL>
<SMALL>§ Diffie, W., and Hellman, M.E.: "Exhaustive cryptanalysis of
the NBS Data Encryption Standard", Computer, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 74 -84,
June 1977.</SMALL>
consideration. Hoornaert* proposed last year a realistic exhaustive keysearch
machine, which solved all practical problems. Instead of breaking DES in
half a day (as in the Diffie-Hellman machine), the cheap version ($1 million)
needs maximum 4 weeks to find the key. In practice however companies or secret
agencies want to break several keys at once. Indeed for doing industrial
espionage, companies want to break as many communications as possible of
their main competitors. Secret agencies want to be able to eavesdrop all
communications and to follow up industrial developments in other countries
which may be used for military purposes. The above machine is unpractical
or expensive for this purpose. Instead of using thousands of machines for
breaking thousands of keys, one modified machine is enough.
<I>The basic idea</I>
At first sight if one wants to break one million keys with an exhaustive
machine one needs one million pairs (plaintext,ciphertext)=(Mi,Ci) and do
the job for each different pair. If all these pairs have the same plaintext
M, the exhaustive machine can do the same job by breaking all these one million
ciphertexts, as in the case it had only to break one. This assumption is
very realistic, indeed in letters some pattern as e.g."Yours Sincerely" are
common. For all standard<SUP>+</SUP> 8 bytes modes a partially known plaintext
attack is sufficient. In the case of ECB a ciphertext only attack is sufficient.
Indeed the most frequent combination of 8 bytes can easily be detected and
used. Evidently more machines can handle more different plaintext patterns.
So, a few machines can break millions of keys. The number of different patterns
can be reduced by using a chosen plaintext attack!
<I>Details of such a machine</I>
Although we did not built it, in this section sufficient details are given
to show that such a machine is feasible. The machine will be based on a small
extension of the DES chips used in Hoornaert's machine. We will call the
ciphertexts for which one wants to break the key: "desired" ciphertexts.
In one machine, each of the (e.g.) 25 thousand DES chips will calculate
ciphertexts for variable keys starting from the same 8 byte "plaintext" pattern.
The machine has to verify if such a ciphertext is the same as some "desired"
ciphertext. If so, it has to communicate the corresponding key to the Key
Handling Machine (KHM) and the "number" of the "desired" ciphertext. However
each used DES chip generates each second about
<SMALL>* Hoornaert, F., Goubert, J., and Desmedt, Y.: "Efficient hardware
implementations of the DES", Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of Crypto
84, Santa Barbara, August 1984 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985), pp. 147-173.</SMALL>
<SMALL>+ DES modes of operation", FIPS (NBS Federal Information Processing
Standards Publ.), no. 81, Washington D.C., December 2, 1980.</SMALL>
one million pairs (ciphertext, key). This gives a major communication problem.
Indeed all this information (about 110Mbit/sec.= (56 key bits + 64 ciphertext
bits) x 1M DES/sec.) cannot be communicated constantly outside the chip.
To avoid this communication problem, the chip will internally exclude ciphertexts
which certainly are not equal to a "desired" ciphertext. So only a fraction
has to be communicated to the outside world. Hereto the "desired" ciphertexts
were previously ordered based on their first 20 bits, which are used as address
of the desired ciphertexts. If more than one of these "desired" ciphertexts
have the same 20 first bits then one of them will later be transferred to
the exhaustive machine. The others will be put on a waiting list. In the
exhaustive machine bits of the desired ciphertexts are spread in RAMs, as
explained later, using the 20 first bits as address. Each extended DES chip
is put on a hybrid circuit together with 4 RAMs of 1Mbit and a refresh controller
(see also fig. 1<I>[not provided]</I>). For each enumerated key the DES chip
communicates the 20 first bits of the corresponding generated ciphertext
to the RAMs as address. The 4 bits information stored in the RAMs correspond
to the next 4 bits of the desired ciphertexts. The RAMs communicate to the
modified DES chip these 4 bits. Only if these 4 bits are equal to the
corresponding ones in the generated ciphertext, the generated pair (ciphertext,
key) is communicated outside the DES chip to a local bus (see fig. 1). So
in average the communication rate is reduced, by excluding the ciphertexts
which are certainly not desired. About 10 of these hybrids are put on a small
PCB. A custom designed chip checks the next 10 bits (the bits 25 till 34)
of the ciphertexts using the same idea as for the 4 bits (the bits 21 till
24). Hereto 10 RAMs each of 1Mbit are used, the address is again the first
20 bits of the generated ciphertext. Only if the check succeeds the pair
(ciphertext, key) is communicated to the outside world via a global bus.
This reduces the communication between the local bus and the global bus with
a factor 1000. About 2500 similar PCBs are put in the machine. The last 30
bits of the ciphertext are checked further on. Hereto similar hardware controls
several PCBs. Finally a small machine can do the final check. The machine
KHM checks the correctness of the key on other (plaintext, ciphertext) pairs
or on the redundancy in the language. Once each (e.g.) hour the machine KHM
will update the broken keys and put the ones which are on the waiting list
into the exhaustive machine (if possible). Suppose that one hybrid cost $80,
then the price of $3 million (25,000 x hybrid + custom chips + PCBs + etc)
for this machine is realistic.
<I>Obtained results and remarks</I>
The described machine breaks about one million keys in 4 weeks, or in average
about 3000 keys each hour. By updating the broken keys better results can
be obtained.* Practical problems as buffering, synchronization, MTBF, power
dissipation, size, reloading of the RAMs and so on are solved by the author.
Optimizations under several circumstances and variants of the machine are
possible. In view of the existing rumors that a trapdoor was built in DES
by NSA, the feasibility of this machine shows that a trapdoor was not needed
in order to break it. Old RAM technology allowed to design similar (or larger)
machines which break less keys (e.g. thirty-two thousand keys). This attack
can be avoided if the users of DES use the CFB one byte mode appropriately,
or use new modes+ or triple encryption with two different keys. DES-like
algorithms can be designed which are more secure against the described attack
and which use a key of only 48 bit, and which have the same encryption/decryption
speed as DES (if used with fixed key).<SUP>#</SUP> The protection of the
authenticity of (e.g. short) messages with DES is sometimes
insecure.<SUP>§</SUP> These results combined with the above one, shows
that the authentication of standardized messages with DES may be worthless.
Remark finally that the DES chip used in this machine does not use the state
of the art of VLSI. Indeed about only 10,000 transistors are used in it.
Megabits RAMs are easily available.
Every important company or secret agency over the world can easily build
such a machine. Because it is not excluded that such machines are already
in use by these organizations, the author advises the users to be careful
using DES. Because the most used modes are breakable, the users have to modify
their hard- or software in a mode which avoids this attack. Meanwhile only
low-sensitive information can be transmitted with DES. If the authenticity
of the messages is protected with DES under its standardized use, short messages
have to be enlarged.
<SMALL>* Desmedt, Y., "Optimizations and variants of exhaustive key search
machines breaking millions of DES keys and their consequences on the security
of privacy and authenticity with DES", Internal Report, ESAT Laboratory,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in preparation.</SMALL>
<SMALL>+ Quisquater, J.-J., Philips Research Laboratory, Brussels, paper
in preparation.</SMALL>
<SMALL># Quisquater, J.-J., Desmedt, Y., and Davio, M.: "A secure DES* scheme
with < 48 bit keys", presented at the rump session at Crypto '85, Santa
Barbara, August, 1985</SMALL>
<SMALL>§ Desmedt, Y.: "Unconditionally secure authentication schemes
and practical and theoretical consequences", presented at Crypto '85, Santa
Barbara, August, 1985, to appear in the proceedings: Advances in Cryptology
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1986).</SMALL>
The author is sponsored by the Belgian NFWO. The author is very grateful
to F. Hoornaert, IMEC-ESAT, Leuven, and J.-J. Quisquater, Philips Research
Laboratory, Brussels, for many suggestions and improvements.
Y.Desmedt <BR>
ESAT Laboratory <BR>
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven <BR>
Kard. Mercierlaan 94 <BR>
B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium
<I>pp. 10-1 to 10-26</I>
<A NAME="10">10</A>
<B><I>Architectural Considerations for Cryptanalytic Hardware</I></B>
Ian Goldberg and David Wagner
<A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~iang/isaac/hardware/main.html">http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~iang/isaac/hardware/main.html</A>
<A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~iang/isaac/hardware/paper.ps">http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~iang/isaac/hardware/paper.ps</A>
<A NAME="11">11</A>
<I>Efficient DES Key Search An Update by Michael J. Wiener </I>
<I>In This chapter: </I>
<I>Advancing Technology </I>
<I>Programmable Hardware </I>
<I>Conclusion </I>
An exciting moment in the history of DES was reached in June 1997 when a
group coordinated by Rocke Verser solved RSA Data Security's DES challenge
by exhaustive key search on a large number of computers. This result was
useful because it served to underscore in a public way how vulnerable DES
has become. However, it may also have left the false impression that one
cannot do much better than attacking DES in software with a large distributed
effort. The design of DES is such that it is fairly slow in software, but
is compact and fast when implemented in hardware. As a result, using software
to attack DES gives poor performance compared to what can be achieved in
hardware. This applies not only to DES, but also to most other block ciphers,
attacks on hash functions, and attacks on elliptic curve cryptosystems. Avoiding
efficient hardware- based attacks requires the use of algorithms with
sufficiently long keys, such as triple-DES, 128-bit RC5,* and
In this article we assess the cost of DES key search using hardware methods
and examine the effectiveness of some proposed methods for thwarting attacks
<SMALL>Michael J. Wiener, Entrust Technologies, 750 Heron Road, Suite E08,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 1A7 </SMALL>
<SMALL>This article first appeared in RSA Laboratories' Autumn 1997 Cryptobytes
newsletter; it is reprinted with permission from the author and RSA Data
Security, Inc. </SMALL>
<SMALL>* R. Rivest, "The RC5 Encryption Algorithm", Fast Software
Encryption--Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1008), pp. 86-96. Springer,
1995. </SMALL>
<SMALL>+ C. Adams, "Constructing Symmetric Ciphers Using the CAST Design
Procedure", Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 283-316,
Nov. 1997. Also available as "The CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm", RFC 2144,
May 1997.</SMALL>
<I>Advancing Technology </I>
The best known way to attack DES is to simply try all of the possible 56-bit
keys until the correct key is found. On average, one expects to go through
about half of the key space. In 1993, a design for an exhaustive DES key
search machine including a detailed chip design was published.* A $1 million
version of this machine used 57600 key search chips, each capable of testing
50 million keys per second. Overall, the machine could find a DES key in,
on average, three and a half hours.
About four and a half years have passed since this design was completed,
and according to Moore's Law, processing speeds should have doubled three
times in that period. Of course, estimating in this fashion is a poor substitute
for the careful analysis and design effort that went into the earlier design.
The original chip design was done in a 0.8 micron CMOS process, and with
the geometries available today, it is possible to fit four instances of the
original design into the same silicon area. In keeping with the conservative
approach to estimates in the 1993 paper, we assume here that the updated
key search chip's clock speed would increase to only 75 MHz from the original
50 MHz, making the modern version of the chip six times faster for the same
cost. It is interesting to note that just 21 of these chips would give the
same key searching power as the entire set of computers used by the team
who solved the DES challenge.
Today's version of the $1 million machine could find a DES key in, on average,
about 35 minutes (one-sixth of 3.5 hours). This time scales linearly with
the amount of money spent as shown in the following table.
<TD><B>Key Search Machine Cost </B></TD>
<TD><B>Expected Search Time </B></TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
$10,000 &nbsp; &nbsp;</TD>
<TD>2.5 days</TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
$100,000 &nbsp; &nbsp;</TD>
<TD>6 hours</TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
$1,000,000 &nbsp; &nbsp;</TD>
<TD>35 minutes</TD>
<TD><P ALIGN="Right">
$10,000,000 &nbsp; &nbsp;</TD>
<TD>3.5 minutes</TD>
Note that the costs listed in the table do not include the cost to design
the chip and boards for the machine. Because the one-time costs could be
as high as half a million dollars, it does not make much sense to build the
cheaper versions of the machine, unless several are built for different
This key search engine is designed to recover a DES key given a
plaintext-ciphertext pair for the standard electronic-codebook (ECB) mode
of DES. However, the machine can also handle the following modes without
modification: cipher-block
<SMALL>* Wiener, "Efficient DES Key Search", presented at the Rump session
of Crypto '93. Reprinted in Practical Cryptography for Data Internetworks,
W. Stallings, editor, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 31-79 (1996). Currently
available at
<A HREF="ftp://ripem.msu.edu/pub/crypt/docs/des-keysearch.ps">ftp://ripem.msu.edu/pub/crypt/docs/des-keysearch.ps</A>.</SMALL>
chaining (CBC), 64-bit cipher feedback (CFB), and 64- bit output feedback
(OFB). In the case of OFB, two consecutive plaintexts are needed. The chip
design can be modified to handle two other popular modes of DES, 1-bit and
8-bit CFB, at the cost of a slightly more expensive chip. Fewer chips could
be purchased for a $1 million machine causing the expected key search time
to go up to 40 minutes for all modes, except 1-bit CFB, which would take
80 minutes, on average.
<I>Programmable Hardware</I>
The costs associated with chip design can present a significant barrier to
smalltime attackers and hobbyists. An alternative which has much lower start-up
costs is the use of programmable hardware. One such type of technology is
the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). One can design a circuit on a PC
and download it to a board holding FPGAs for execution. In a report in early
1996,* it was estimated that $50000 worth of FPGAs could recover a DES key
in, on average, four months. This is considerably slower than what can be
achieved with a chip design, but is much more accessible to those who are
not well funded.
Another promising form of programmable hardware is the Complex Programmable
Logic Device (CPLD). CPLDs offer less design freedom and tend to be cheaper
than FPGAs, but the nature of key search designs seems to make them suitable
for CPLDs. Further research is needed to assess whether CPLDs are useful
for DES key search.
<B><I>Avoiding Known Plaintext</I></B>
The designs described to this point have relied on the attacker having some
known plaintext. Usually, a single 8-byte block is sufficient. One method
of preventing attacks that has been suggested is to avoid having any known
plaintext. This can be quite difficult to achieve. Frequently, data begins
with fixed headers. For example, each version of Microsoft Word seems to
have a fixed string of bytes that each file begins with.
For those cases where a full block of known plaintext is not available, it
is possible to adapt the key search design. Suppose that information about
plaintext is available (e.g., ASCII character coding is used), but no full
block is known. Then instead of repeatedly encrypting a known plaintext and
comparing the result to a ciphertext, we repeatedly decrypt the ciphertext
and test the candidate plaintexts against our expectations. In the example
where we expect 7-bit ASCII plaintext, only about 1 in 256 keys will give
a plaintext which has the correct form. These
<SMALL>* M. Blaze, W. Diffie, R. Rivest, B. Schneier, T. Shimomura, E. Thompson,
and M. Wiener, "Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers to Provide Adequate
Commercial Security", currently available at
<A HREF="http://www.bsa.org/policy/encryption/cryptographers.html">http://www.bsa.org/policy/encryption/cryptographers.html</A>.</SMALL>
keys would have to be tried on another ciphertext block. The added logic
to handle this would add just 10 to 20% to the cost of a key search chip.
Even if we only know a single bit of redundancy in each block of plaintext,
this is enough to cut the number of possible keys in half. About 56 such
blocks are needed to uniquely identify the correct key. This does not mean
that the run-time is 56 times greater than the known-plaintext case. On average,
each key is eliminated with just two decryptions. Taking into account the
cost of the added logic required makes the expected run-time for a $1 million
machine about 2 hours in this case.
<B><I>Frequent Key Changes</I></B>
A commonly suggested way to avoid key search attacks is to change the DES
key frequently. The assumption here is that the encrypted information is
no longer useful after the key is changed, which is often an inappropriate
assumption. If it takes 35 minutes to find a DES key, why not change keys
every 5 minutes? The problem with this reasoning is that it does not take
exactly 35 minutes to find a key. The actual time is uniformly distributed
between 0 and 70 minutes. We could get lucky and find the key almost right
away, or we could be unlucky and take nearly 70 minutes. The attacker's
probability of success in the 5-minute window is 5/70 = 1/14. If after each
key change the attacker gives up and starts on the next key, we expect success
after 14 key changes or 70 minutes. In general, frequent key changes cost
the attacker just a factor of two in expected run-time, and are a poor substitute
for simply using a strong encryption algorithm with longer keys.
Using current technology, a DES key can be recovered with a custom-designed
$1 million machine in just 35 minutes. For attackers who lack the resources
to design a chip and build such a machine, there are programmable forms of
hardware such as FPGAs and CPLDs which can search the DES key space much
faster than is possible using software on PCs and workstations. Attempts
to thwart key search attacks by avoiding known plaintext and changing keys
frequently are largely ineffective. The best course of action is to use a
strong encryption algorithm with longer keys, such as triple-DES, 128-bit
RC5, or CAST-128.
<A NAME="12">12</A>
<I>In This chapter:</I>
<I>The Electronic Frontier Foundation </I>
<I>John Gilmore </I>
<I>Cryptography Research </I>
<I>Paul Kocher </I>
<I>Advanced Wireless Technologies</I>
<I>The Electronic Frontier Foundation </I>
Electronic Frontier Foundation <BR>
1550 Bryant Street, Suite 725 <BR>
San Francisco CA 94103 USA <BR>
+1 415 436 9333 (voice) <BR>
+1 415 436 9993 (fax) <BR>
<A HREF="http://www.eff.org/">http://www.eff.org </A><BR>
<A HREF="mailto:info@eff.org">info@eff.org</A>
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a nonprofit public-interest
organization protecting rights and promoting liberty online. It was founded
in 1990 by Mitchell Kapor, John Perry Barlow, and John Gilmore.
The Foundation seeks to educate individuals, organizations, companies, and
governments about the issues that arise when computer and communications
technologies change the world out from under the existing legal and social
The Foundation has been working on cryptography policy for many years. It
was a significant force in preventing the adoption of the "Clipper chip"
and its follow-on "key escrow" proposals, and continues to advocate for wide
public availability and use of uncompromised and unbreakable encryption
technology. EFF is backing the lawsuit in which Professor Daniel Bernstein
seeks to overturn the United States export laws and regulations on cryptography,
arguing that the First Amendment to the US Constitution protects his right
to publish his cryptography research results online without first seeking
government permission. EFF's research effort in creating this first publicly
announced DES Cracker, and the publication of its full technical details,
are part of EFF's ongoing campaign to understand, and educate
the public about, the social and technical implications of cryptographic
EFF encourages you to join us in exploring how our society can best respond
to today's rapid technological change. Please become an EFF member; see
<A HREF="http://www.eff.org/join/">http://www.eff.org/join/</A>
<I>John Gilmore </I>
John Gilmore is an entrepreneur and civil libertarian. He was an early employee
of Sun Microsystems, and co-founded Cygnus Solutions, the Electronic Frontier
Foundation, the Cypherpunks, and the Internet's "alt" newsgroups. He has
twenty-five years of experience in the computer industry, including programming,
hardware and software design, and management. He is a significant contributor
to the worldwide open sourceware (free software) development effort. His
advocacy efforts on encryption policy aim to improve public understanding
of this fundamental technology for privacy and accountability in open societies.
He is currently a board member of Moniker pty ltd, the Internet Society,
and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
John leads the EFF's efforts on cryptography policy, managed the creation
of the DES cracker and wrote much of the text in this book.
John can be reached at the email address
<A HREF="mailto:gnu@des.toad.com">gnu@des.toad.com</A>; his home page is
<A HREF="http://www.cygnus.com/~gnu/">http://www.cygnus.com/~gnu/</A>
<I>Cryptography Research </I>
Cryptography Research <BR>
870 Market Street, Suite 1088 <BR>
San Francisco, CA 94102 USA <BR>
+1 415 397 0123 (voice) <BR>
+1 415 397 0127 (fax) <BR>
<A HREF="http://www.cryptography.com/">http://www.cryptography.com</A>
Cryptography Research is Paul Kocher's San Francisco-based consulting company.
Cryptography Research provides consulting, design, education, and analysis
services to many leading firms and start-ups. Kocher and the company are
widely known for their technical work and research, including the development
of leading cryptographic protocols (such as SSL 3.0), cryptanalytic work
(including the discovery of timing attacks against RSA and other cryptosystems),
and numerous presentations at major conferences. To reach Cryptography Research
please write to
<A HREF="mailto:info@cryptograpy.com">info@cryptography.com</A>.
Cryptography Research managed the hardware and software design for the DES
cracker, and wrote the chip simulator and the driver software.
Paul Kocher, Josh Jaffe, and everyone else at Cryptography Research would
like to thank John Gilmore and the EFF for funding this unique project, and
AWT for their expert hardware work!
<I>Paul Kocher </I>
Paul Kocher is a cryptographer specializing in the practical art of building
secure systems using cryptography. He currently serves jointly as President
of Cryptography Research
(<A HREF="http://www.cryptography.com/">http://www.cryptography.com</A>) and
Chief Scientist of ValiCert
(<A HREF="http://www.valicert.com/">http://www.valicert.com</A>). Paul has
worked on numerous software and hardware projects and has designed, implemented,
and broken many cryptosystems. Paul can be reached via e-mail at
<A HREF="mailto:paul@cryptography.com">paul@cryptography.com</A>.
<I>Advanced Wireless Technologies </I>
Advanced Wireless Technologies, Inc. <BR>
3375 Scott Blvd, Suite 410 <BR>
Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA <BR>
+1 408 727 5780 (voice) <BR>
+1 408 727 8842 (fax) <BR>
<A HREF="http://www.awti.com/">http://www.awti.com </A>
Advanced Wireless Technologies, Inc. (AWT) is dedicated to providing
Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and board level design solutions
for high tech industries at highest quality and lowest cost. AWT's design
philosophy is to reduce product development cost/risk and recurring cost.
AWT employs a thorough design flow from system architecture to system integration
and test.
AWT was founded in 1993. Its engineering team is composed of a highly qualified,
tenured employee base, including technical management staff. The employees
are knowledgeable, motivated, highly competent, and have from 3 to 25 years
of experience in system engineering, chip design, and complete subsystem
AWT offers digital ASIC/Gate Array and Board design services to support
customers' specific requirements. The company can participate in any development
phase from specifications definition to design implementation and prototype
In addition to providing engineering services AWT has developed leading products
for use in the communications industry. AWT's standard products include IP
ASICs, and board level products in the fields of demodulation, forward error
correction, and encryption decryption.
AWT designed and built the hardware for the DES Cracker, including the custom
ASIC, logic boards, and interface adapters. If you're interested in purchasing
a DES Cracker unit, contact AWT.
AWT invites you to visit at
<A HREF="http://www.awti.com/">http://www.awti.com</A> or call +1 408 727
5780 for your specific engineering needs.
Note: URLs for other parts welcomed
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Errata to: <A HREF="mailto:jy@jya.com">jy@jya.com</A>
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