# Exploit Title:Upload Vulnerability and XSS in socialware V2.2 (www.iscripts.com) # Version: Web Application # vendor :www.iscripts.com # Date: 29 apr,2010 # Dork:Powered by iScripts SocialWare # Author:Sid3^effects # Code : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #####################Sid3^effects aKa HaRi################################## #Greetz to all Andhra Hackers and ICW Memebers[Indian Cyber Warriors] #Thanks:*L0rd ÇrusAdêr*,d4rk-blu™®,R45C4L idi0th4ck3r,CR4C|< 008,M4n0j,MaYuR #ShouTZ:kedar,dec0d3r,41.w4r10r #Catch us at www.andhrahackers.com or www.teamicw.in ############################################################################ Description : Create your own social community in minutes by using iScripts SocialWare. You can add a community to your existing web site or a standalone web 2.0 application. This script will allow you to create online networking communities for small groups like school classes, regional groups and others. It can also be used for the purposes of professional networking or romantic networks. By allowing your users to network with their family and friends, you are driving viral traffic to your site. ############################################################################ Xploit : Upload Vulnerability Step 1:Register in the site Step 2:Goto your www.site.com/profile.php Step 3:Open the "ADD WIDGETS option" DEMO URL :http://www.iscripts.com/socialware/demo/includes/profile_save_widgets.php Step 4:By uploading the evil script successfully u can attack the site :) ############################################################################ Xploit : XSS Vulnerability Attack parameter :'"--> Parameter Type : Search query DEMO URL : http://www.iscripts.com/socialware/demo/album.php ############################################################################ #Sid3^effects