################################################ #Title: Joomla JomEstate PRO 3.7 - SQL Injection #Credit: Bilal KARDADOU #Vendor: http://comdev.eu #URL: https://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/extension/vertical-markets/real-estate/jomestate-pro/ #Product: 'Joomla JomEstate PRO 3.7' #Developer: Comdev #Extension type: Plugin #Last updated: Oct 29 2017 #Compatibility: 3.X #Type: Paid download #Google Dork: N/A ################################################ # # Description: # Real Estate JomEstate component allows you to create an Real Estate Portal or Real Estate Agency Website in minutes. # It is perfect for independent estate agents, property rental companies and property developers! # # POST -p [tags & je_mod_price] # # # # address-lat-lng=&distance=25&latitude=&longitude=&tags=[SQL]&categories_id=69&categories_type_id=&je_mod_price=0%3B5000000[SQL]&search=&favorites=0&featured=0&7c9b27566c6137c71bed4d786aea0322=1& # # PoC: # https://prnt.sc/hu0ha2 # # Bilal KARDADOU - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kardadou/) ################################################